Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Test-WWW-Mechanize is used by 48 distributions.
Name Release Date Released by Core Kwalitee
Async-Microservice-0.03 2024-11-20 JKUTEJ 100
URI-ParseSearchString-More-0.19 2023-12-24 OALDERS 96.88
Rubric-0.157 2022-05-30 RJBS 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-LibXML-0.0.6 2020-10-22 SHLOMIF 100
Task-ModernPerlBook-4e-1.00 2020-10-16 CHROMATIC 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Mojo-0.0.21 2020-10-07 SHLOMIF 100
Plack-Test-Agent-1.5 2020-10-06 OALDERS 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Driver-1.0 2020-07-09 DUELAFN 100
Acme-DependOnEverything-0.06 2019-03-25 WOLDRICH 87.5
Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI-0.39 2019-03-22 OALDERS 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.62 2019-02-19 MSTROUT 100
Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-2.04 2018-04-20 NIGELM 100
Test-OpenID-Server-0.03 2016-08-18 TSIBLEY 93.75
Test-Instance-Apache-0.001 2016-07-05 TBSLIVER 100
Task-Tapper-Hello-World-0.003 2016-04-24 TAPPER 100
WWW-Mechanize-PhantomJS-Catalyst-0.02 2015-12-17 KARASIK 96.88
Jifty-1.50430 2015-05-01 ALEXMV 90.62
Dwimmer-0.32 2014-10-01 SZABGAB 100
Amon2-Lite-0.13 2014-08-28 TOKUHIROM 100
FCGI-Engine-0.22 2014-08-25 STEVAN 100
Task-Test-0.06 2014-08-14 SZABGAB 93.75
Task-DWIM-Linux-0.10 2014-05-24 SZABGAB 100
Net-FreshBooks-API-0.24 2014-05-03 OALDERS 96.88
Test-WWW-Mechanize-MultiMech-1.006001 2014-02-14 ZOFFIX 100
Smolder-1.52 2013-07-08 SAPER 96.88
CGI-Application-Server-0.063 2013-07-06 RJBS 100
Prophet-0.751 2013-05-20 IOANR 93.75
Task-DWIM-Test-0.07 2012-12-24 SZABGAB 96.88
SVN-Web-0.63 2012-10-17 DJZORT 96.88
Beagle-0.01 2011-11-13 SUNNAVY 96.88
CGI-Application-Plugin-CAPTCHA-0.04 2011-01-06 CROMEDOME 100
JSORB-0.04 2010-01-14 STEVAN 100
Test-Server-0.06 2009-12-12 JKUTEJ 100
Lighttpd-Control-0.03 2009-11-28 STEVAN 100
CatalystX-ListFramework-Builder-0.42 2009-04-09 OLIVER 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-HSS-0.02 2009-02-28 CORION 96.88
Test-WWW-Declare-0.02 2008-10-13 SARTAK 93.75
Nginx-Control-0.01 2008-09-29 PERIGRIN 93.75
Test-MonitorSites-0.15 2008-06-20 HESCO 96.88
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Plugin-Jcode-0.03 2008-06-13 TOKUHIROM 93.75
Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp-0.05 2007-07-12 HARTZELL 100
Test-WWW-Jaunt-0.01_04 2006-10-04 RKRIMEN 100
Catalyst-Plugin-Continuation-0.01 2006-05-03 NUFFIN 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGI-0.1 2005-11-14 MRAMBERG 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Maypole-0.23 2005-09-21 DAVEBAIRD 100
Acme-PETEK-Testkit-1.00 2005-06-26 PETEK 100
CPAN-Forum-0.11 2005-02-06 SZABGAB 93.75
Sau-Client-0.51 2004-07-07 ABH 93.75