Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Object-Pad is used by 136 distributions.
Name Release Date Released by Core Kwalitee
App-Music-ChordPro-6.070 2024-12-24 JV 96.88
OpenTelemetry-SDK-0.025 2024-12-21 JJATRIA 96.88
OpenTelemetry-Exporter-OTLP-0.020 2024-12-21 JJATRIA 93.75
OpenTelemetry-0.027 2024-12-21 JJATRIA 93.75
Frame-0.01.2-TRIAL 2024-12-18 CRABAPP 93.75
Parallel-WorkUnit-2.243480 2024-12-13 JMASLAK 100
Net-Async-Redis-6.006 2024-12-12 TEAM 93.75
App-perl-distrolint-0.07 2024-12-10 PEVANS 96.88
SVGPDF-0.090 2024-12-06 JV 100
WebService-Hydra-0.004 2024-12-03 DERIV 96.88
App-Standup-Diary-0.08 2024-12-02 SMONFF 100
Algorithm-Gutter-0.02 2024-11-30 JMATES 100
Archive-SCS-1.05 2024-11-26 NAUTOFON 96.88
Standup-Diary-0.07_03 2024-11-25 SMONFF 100
Amazon-Sites-0.1.9 2024-11-18 DAVECROSS 100
AnyEvent-I3X-Workspace-OnDemand-0.004 2024-10-26 WATERKIP 100
Device-Chip-From-Sensirion-0.02 2024-10-23 PEVANS 96.88
App-sdview-0.20 2024-10-19 PEVANS 96.88
Future-Workflow-0.02 2024-10-16 PEVANS 96.88
Full-1.004 2024-10-15 TEAM 93.75
Blockchain-Ethereum-Transaction-0.010 2024-10-06 REFECO 100
WebService-Xential-0.004 2024-09-26 WATERKIP 100
DateTime-Schedule-0.03 2024-09-25 TYRRMINAL 100
Object-Pad-LexicalMethods-0.01 2024-09-21 PEVANS 96.88
App-eachperl-0.11 2024-09-20 PEVANS 96.88
Tickit-Widgets-0.42 2024-09-12 PEVANS 96.88
WebService-GrowthBook-0.003 2024-09-11 DERIV 96.88
Tangence-0.33 2024-09-11 PEVANS 96.88
Device-AVR-UPDI-0.16 2024-09-08 PEVANS 96.88
Object-Pad-Operator-Of-0.01 2024-08-22 PEVANS 96.88
JSON-Relaxed-0.097 2024-08-21 JV 100
Text-Layout-0.038 2024-08-18 JV 100
Text-Treesitter-0.13 2024-08-16 PEVANS 96.88
IPC-MicroSocket-0.02 2024-08-15 PEVANS 96.88
Future-Selector-0.04 2024-08-15 PEVANS 96.88
App-Device-Chip-sensor-0.07 2024-08-15 PEVANS 96.88
Font-PCF-0.04 2024-08-14 PEVANS 96.88
Object-Pad-FieldAttr-Checked-0.12 2024-08-12 PEVANS 96.88
App-sdview-Output-Tickit-0.10 2024-08-09 PEVANS 96.88
Tickit-Widget-Scroller-0.33 2024-08-09 PEVANS 96.88
IO-AsyncX-Notifier-0.004 2024-07-25 TEAM 96.88
Device-Serial-SLuRM-0.07 2024-07-11 PEVANS 96.88
Feature-Compat-Class-0.07 2024-07-08 PEVANS 96.88
Switch-Right-0.000005 2024-06-30 DCONWAY 100
Perl-Examples-Accessors-0.133 2024-05-17 PERLANCAR 100
Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Accessors-0.151 2024-05-13 PERLANCAR 100
Data-Transfigure-1.03 2024-05-03 TYRRMINAL 100
Net-Async-OpenExchRates-0.004 2024-04-26 VNEALV 96.88
Bundle-WATERKIP-0.003 2024-04-14 WATERKIP 93.75
Finance-Dogecoin-Utils-1.20240413.0031 2024-04-13 CHROMATIC 96.88