
Cannot find MANIFEST in dist.
test-1.50-101018a/pod/makepp_extending.pod -- Around line 28: alternative text 'ifperl / ifmakeperl' contains non-escaped | or / alternative text 'perl / makeperl' contains non-escaped | or / alternative text 'sub / makesub' contains non-escaped | or / alternative text 'perl / makeperl' contains non-escaped | or / alternative text 'map / makemap' contains non-escaped | or / alternative text 'perl / makeperl' contains non-escaped | or / test-1.50-101018a/pod/makepp_functions.pod -- Around line 100: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '“short-circuiting”'. Assuming UTF-8 test-1.50-101018a/pod/makepp_rules.pod -- Around line 83: You can't have =items (as at line 88) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item test-1.50-101018a/pod/makepp_signatures.pod -- Around line 104: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in ' '. Assuming UTF-8 test-1.50-101018a/pod/makepp_variables.pod -- Around line 11: alternative text '$/' contains non-escaped | or /
Mpp::AutomakeFixer, Mpp::BuildCheck, Mpp::Event, Mpp::Recursive, Mpp::Repository, Mpp::Signature, Mpp::Text
Mpp, Mpp::ActionParser::Legacy, Mpp::ActionParser::Specific, Mpp::AutomakeFixer, Mpp::BuildCache, Mpp::BuildCacheControl, Mpp::BuildCheck, Mpp::BuildCheck::architecture_independent, Mpp::BuildCheck::exact_match, Mpp::BuildCheck::ignore_action, Mpp::BuildCheck::only_action, Mpp::BuildCheck::target_newer, Mpp::Cmds, Mpp::CommandParser, Mpp::CommandParser::Esqlc, Mpp::CommandParser::Gcc, Mpp::CommandParser::Swig, Mpp::CommandParser::Vcs, Mpp::Event, Mpp::File, Mpp::File, Mpp::Glob, Mpp::Lexer, Mpp::Makefile, Mpp::Recursive, Mpp::Repository, Mpp::Rule, Mpp::Scanner, Mpp::Scanner::C, Mpp::Scanner::Esqlc, Mpp::Scanner::Swig, Mpp::Scanner::Vera, Mpp::Scanner::Verilog, Mpp::Signature, Mpp::Signature::c_compilation_md5, Mpp::Signature::md5, Mpp::Signature::shared_object, Mpp::Signature::verilog_simulation_md5, Mpp::Signature::verilog_synthesis_md5, Mpp::Signature::xml_md5, Mpp::Subs, Mpp::Text, Mpp::Utils