Kwalitee Issues

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Name Abstract Version View
AnyEvent::FTP Simple asynchronous ftp client and server 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client Simple asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Response Response class for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Role::FetchTransfer Fetch transfer interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Role::ListTransfer Fetch transfer interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Role::RequestBuffer Request buffer role for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Role::ResponseBuffer Response buffer role for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Role::StoreTransfer Store transfer interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site Dispatcher for site specific ftp commands 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site::Base base class for AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site::* classes 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site::Microsoft Site specific commands for Microsoft FTP Service 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site::NetFtpServer Site specific commands for Net::FTPServer 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site::Proftpd Site specific commands for Proftpd 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer Transfer class for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Active Active transfer class for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Passive Passive transfer class for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Request Request class for asynchronous ftp server 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Response Response class for asynchronous ftp client 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Role::Event Event interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server Simple asynchronous ftp server 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Connection FTP Server connection class 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Context FTP Server client context class 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Context::FS FTP server context that uses real file system (no transfers) 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Context::FSRO FTP Server client context class with read-only access 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Context::FSRW FTP Server client context class with full read/write access 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Context::Memory FTP Server client context class with full read/write access 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::OS::UNIX UNIX implementations for AnyEvent::FTP 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::Auth Authentication role for FTP server 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::Context Server connection context role 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::Help Help role for FTP server 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::Old Role for old archaic FTP server commands 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::ResponseEncoder Server response encoder role 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::TransferPrep Interface for PASV, PORT and REST commands 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::Role::Type Type role for FTP server 0.06 metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Server::UnambiguousResponseEncoder Server response encoder that encodes responses so they cannot be confused 0.06 metacpan
Test::AnyEventFTPServer Test (non-blocking) ftp clients against a real FTP server 0.06 metacpan


Name File View
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Active::Fetch lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/ metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Active::List lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/ metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Active::Store lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/ metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Passive::Fetch lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/ metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Passive::List lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/ metacpan
AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Transfer::Passive::Store lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/ metacpan

Other Files

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