Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Test::Deep


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Test::Deep


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Test::Deep Extremely flexible deep comparison 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::All 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Any 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Array 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ArrayEach 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ArrayElementsOnly 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ArrayLength 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ArrayLengthOnly 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Blessed 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Boolean 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Cache 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Cache::Simple 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Class 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Cmp 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Code 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Hash 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::HashEach 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::HashElements 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::HashKeys 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::HashKeysOnly 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Ignore 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Isa 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ListMethods 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::MM 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Methods 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::NoTest Use Test::Deep outside of the testing framework 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::None 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Number 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Obj 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Ref 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::RefType 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Regexp 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::RegexpMatches 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::RegexpOnly 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::RegexpRef 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::RegexpRefOnly 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::RegexpVersion 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ScalarRef 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::ScalarRefOnly 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Set 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Shallow 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::Stack 1.202 metacpan
Test::Deep::String 1.202 metacpan


Name File View
Test::Deep::SubHash lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SubHashElements lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SubHashKeys lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SubHashKeysOnly lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SuperHash lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SuperHashElements lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SuperHashKeys lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan
Test::Deep::SuperHashKeysOnly lib/Test/Deep/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
dist.ini metacpan