Net-LDAP-Gateway 0.02 Deleted
- Changes
- Gateway.xs
- META.yml
- Makefile.PL
- asn1.h
- common.h
- dn_normalize.c
- docs/A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER.html
- docs/ldap.asn1
- docs/rfc4510.txt
- docs/rfc4511.txt
- docs/rfc4512.txt
- docs/rfc4513.txt
- docs/rfc4514.txt
- docs/rfc4515.txt
- docs/rfc4516.txt
- docs/rfc4517.txt
- docs/rfc4518.txt
- docs/rfc4519.txt
- enum2sv.h
- enums.c
- enums.h
- examples/
- examples/
- fetch_default.c
- ldap.h
- lib/Net/LDAP/
- lib/Net/LDAP/Gateway/
- make_constant.c
- pack.h
- pack_abandon_request.c
- pack_add_request.c
- pack_bind_request.c
- pack_bind_response.c
- pack_compare_request.c
- pack_constructed.c
- pack_controls.c
- pack_delete_request.c
- pack_extended_request.c
- pack_extended_response.c
- pack_intermediate_response.c
- pack_length.c
- pack_modify_dn_request.c
- pack_modify_request.c
- pack_numeric.c
- pack_raw.c
- pack_result_response.c
- pack_search_entry_response.c
- pack_search_reference_response.c
- pack_search_request.c
- pack_tag.c
- pack_unbind_request.c
- ppport.h
- scan.h
- scan_abandon_request.c
- scan_add_request.c
- scan_bind_request.c
- scan_bind_response.c
- scan_compare_request.c
- scan_controls.c
- scan_delete_request.c
- scan_extended_request.c
- scan_extended_response.c
- scan_intermediate_response.c
- scan_length.c
- scan_message_head.c
- scan_modify_dn_request.c
- scan_modify_request.c
- scan_numeric.c
- scan_raw.c
- scan_result_response.c
- scan_search_entry_response.c
- scan_search_reference_response.c
- scan_search_request.c
- scan_tag.c
- scan_unbind_request.c
- search_filter_to_string.c
- search_request_signature.c
- t/01_messages.t
- t/Net-LDAP-Gateway.t
- t/
- t/
- t/pods.t
- typemap
- util.h