Kwalitee Issues


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: AnyEvent-MSN-0.002_001/lib/AnyEvent/ -- Around line 1537: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Microsoft®'. Assuming UTF-8


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: AnyEvent::MSN::Protocol


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.002,0.002_001


Name Abstract Version View
AnyEvent::MSN Simple, Less Annoying Client for Microsoft's Windows Live Messenger Network 0.002_001 metacpan
AnyEvent::MSN::Protocol Meh. No peeking! 0.002 metacpan
AnyEvent::MSN::Types 0.002 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan