Selenium-Remote-Driver 1.49 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
No Core Issues.
- has_security_doc
Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.
- security_doc_contains_contact
Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.
- has_contributing_doc
Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Selenium::ActionChains | Action chains for Selenium::Remote::Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::CanStartBinary | Teach a WebDriver how to start its own binary aka no JRE! | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::CanStartBinary::FindBinary | Coercions for finding webdriver binaries on your system | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::CanStartBinary::ProbePort | Utility functions for finding open ports to eventually bind to | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Chrome | Use ChromeDriver without a Selenium server | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Edge | Use EdgeDriver without a Selenium server | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Firefox | Use FirefoxDriver without a Selenium server | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Firefox::Binary | Subroutines for locating and properly initializing the Firefox Binary | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Firefox::Profile | Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::InternetExplorer | A convenience package for creating a IE instance | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::PhantomJS | Use GhostDriver without a Selenium server | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Commands | Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver for use with webdriver 2 | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Driver | Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Driver::CanSetWebdriverContext | Customize the webdriver context prefix for various drivers | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Driver::Firefox::Profile | Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::ErrorHandler | Error handler for Selenium::Remote::Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Finders | Handle construction of generic parameter finders | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Mock::Commands | utility class to mock Selenium::Remote::Commands | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Mock::RemoteConnection | utility class to mock the responses from Selenium server | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::RemoteConnection | Connect to a selenium server | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::Spec | Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::WDKeys | Representation of keystrokes used by Selenium::Remote::WebDriver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Remote::WebElement | Representation of an HTML Element used by Selenium Remote Driver | 1.49 | metacpan |
Selenium::Waiter | Provides a utility wait_until function | 1.49 | metacpan |
Test::Selenium::Chrome | 1.49 | metacpan | |
Test::Selenium::Edge | 1.49 | metacpan | |
Test::Selenium::Firefox | 1.49 | metacpan | |
Test::Selenium::InternetExplorer | 1.49 | metacpan | |
Test::Selenium::PhantomJS | 1.49 | metacpan | |
Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver | add testing methods to L<Selenium::Remote::Driver> | 1.49 | metacpan |
Test::Selenium::Remote::Role::DoesTesting | 1.49 | metacpan | |
Test::Selenium::Remote::WebElement | 1.49 | metacpan |