Kwalitee Issues


Take a look at the META.yml Spec at (for version 1.4) or (for version 2), and change your META.yml accordingly.

Error: Expected a map structure from string or file. (requires) [Validation: 1.0]


Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.


Add =head1 LICENSE and the text of the license to the main module in your code.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.


Add =head1 LICENSE and/or the proper text of the well-known license to the main module in your code.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Bio::NEXUS, Bio::NEXUS::AssumptionsBlock, Bio::NEXUS::Block, Bio::NEXUS::CharactersBlock, Bio::NEXUS::CodonsBlock, Bio::NEXUS::DataBlock, Bio::NEXUS::DistancesBlock, Bio::NEXUS::Functions, Bio::NEXUS::HistoryBlock, Bio::NEXUS::MatrixBlock, Bio::NEXUS::Node, Bio::NEXUS::NotesBlock, Bio::NEXUS::SetsBlock, Bio::NEXUS::SpanBlock, Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnit, Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnitSet, Bio::NEXUS::TaxaBlock, Bio::NEXUS::Tree, Bio::NEXUS::TreesBlock, Bio::NEXUS::UnalignedBlock, Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock, Bio::NEXUS::WeightSet


Fix the version numbers so that version::is_lax($version) returns true.


  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43faef750)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fb291f8)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fbda268)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fa84b80)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43faa1f60)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fb07f48)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fc294f0)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fc1ac98)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fadb6c0)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fa9cc60)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fa84b98)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fc33180)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fbf5430)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fa28fe8)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fa84c70)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43faf92f8)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43faefb70)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fbe6480)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fa46090)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43faba128)
  • lib/Bio/NEXUS/ HASH(0x55a43fbe1780)


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


Name Abstract Version View
Bio::NEXUS An object-oriented Perl Applications Programming Interface (API) for the NEXUS file format 0.67 metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::AssumptionsBlock Represents ASSUMPTIONS block of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::Block Provides useful functions for blocks in NEXUS file (parent class). metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::CharactersBlock Represents a CHARACTERS Block (Data or Characters) of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::CodonsBlock Represents CODONS block in NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::DataBlock Represents the deprecated DATA Block in NEXUS file. metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::DistancesBlock Represents DISTANCES block in NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::Functions Provides private utiliy functions for the module metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::HistoryBlock Represents a HISTORY block of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::MatrixBlock Provides functions for handling blocks that have matrices metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::Node Provides functions for manipulating nodes in trees metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::NotesBlock Represents a NOTES block in a NEXUS file. metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::SetsBlock Represents SETS block of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::SpanBlock Represent SPAN block in a NEXUS file (contains meta data). metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnit Represents a taxon unit in a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnitSet Represents a sets of OTUS (Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnits objects) in a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::TaxaBlock Represents TAXA block of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::Tree Provides functions for manipulating trees metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::TreesBlock Represents TREES block of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::UnalignedBlock Represents an UNALIGNED block of a NEXUS file metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock Represents a simple object for storing information unrecognized blocks by the Bio::NEXUS module. metacpan
Bio::NEXUS::WeightSet Represents column weights in alignment ( for each character) metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan