Kwalitee Issues


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • Object::AUTHORITY


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.



Name Abstract Version View
HTML::HTML5::DOM implementation of the HTML5 DOM on top of XML::LibXML 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLAnchorElement implementation of the HTMLAnchorElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLAreaElement implementation of the HTMLAreaElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLAudioElement implementation of the HTMLAudioElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLBRElement implementation of the HTMLBRElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLBaseElement implementation of the HTMLBaseElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLBodyElement implementation of the HTMLBodyElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLButtonElement implementation of the HTMLButtonElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLCanvasElement implementation of the HTMLCanvasElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLCollection implementation of the HTMLCollection interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLCommandElement implementation of the HTMLCommandElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLDListElement implementation of the HTMLDListElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLDataListElement implementation of the HTMLDataListElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLDetailsElement implementation of the HTMLDetailsElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLDivElement implementation of the HTMLDivElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLDocument implementation of the HTMLDocument interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLElement implementation of the HTMLElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLEmbedElement implementation of the HTMLEmbedElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLFieldSetElement implementation of the HTMLFieldSetElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLFormControlsCollection implementation of the HTMLFormControlsCollection interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLFormElement implementation of the HTMLFormElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLHRElement implementation of the HTMLHRElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLHeadElement implementation of the HTMLHeadElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLHeadingElement implementation of the HTMLHeadingElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLHtmlElement implementation of the HTMLHtmlElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLIFrameElement implementation of the HTMLIFrameElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLImageElement implementation of the HTMLImageElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLInputElement implementation of the HTMLInputElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLKeygenElement implementation of the HTMLKeygenElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLLIElement implementation of the HTMLLIElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLLabelElement implementation of the HTMLLabelElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLLegendElement implementation of the HTMLLegendElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLLinkElement implementation of the HTMLLinkElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLMapElement implementation of the HTMLMapElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLMediaElement implementation of the HTMLMediaElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLMenuElement implementation of the HTMLMenuElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLMetaElement implementation of the HTMLMetaElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLMeterElement implementation of the HTMLMeterElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLModElement implementation of the HTMLModElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLOListElement implementation of the HTMLOListElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLObjectElement implementation of the HTMLObjectElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLOptGroupElement implementation of the HTMLOptGroupElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLOptionElement implementation of the HTMLOptionElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLOutputElement implementation of the HTMLOutputElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLParagraphElement implementation of the HTMLParagraphElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLParamElement implementation of the HTMLParamElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLPreElement implementation of the HTMLPreElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLProgressElement implementation of the HTMLProgressElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLQuoteElement implementation of the HTMLQuoteElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLScriptElement implementation of the HTMLScriptElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLSelectElement implementation of the HTMLSelectElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLSourceElement implementation of the HTMLSourceElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLSpanElement implementation of the HTMLSpanElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLStyleElement implementation of the HTMLStyleElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableCaptionElement implementation of the HTMLTableCaptionElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableCellElement implementation of the HTMLTableCellElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableColElement implementation of the HTMLTableColElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableDataCellElement implementation of the HTMLTableDataCellElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableElement implementation of the HTMLTableElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableHeaderCellElement implementation of the HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableRowElement implementation of the HTMLTableRowElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTableSectionElement implementation of the HTMLTableSectionElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTextAreaElement implementation of the HTMLTextAreaElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTimeElement implementation of the HTMLTimeElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTitleElement implementation of the HTMLTitleElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLTrackElement implementation of the HTMLTrackElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLUListElement implementation of the HTMLUListElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLUnknownElement implementation of the HTMLUnknownElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLVideoElement implementation of the HTMLVideoElement interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOM::RadioNodeList implementation of the RadioNodeList interface of the HTML DOM 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOMutil::AutoDoc 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOMutil::FancyISA 0.002 metacpan
HTML::HTML5::DOMutil::Feature 0.002 metacpan

Other Files

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