Apache-Wyrd 0.86 Deleted
Kwalitee Issues
- meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Take a look at the META.yml Spec at https://metacpan.org/pod/CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_4 (for version 1.4) or https://metacpan.org/pod/CPAN::Meta::Spec (for version 2), and change your META.yml accordingly.
Error: '<undef>' for 'Apache::Constants' is not a valid version. (requires -> Apache::Constants) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Apache::Cookie' is not a valid version. (requires -> Apache::Cookie) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Apache::Request' is not a valid version. (requires -> Apache::Request) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Apache::URI' is not a valid version. (requires -> Apache::URI) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Apache::Util' is not a valid version. (requires -> Apache::Util) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Class::Singleton' is not a valid version. (requires -> Class::Singleton) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Crypt::Blowfish' is not a valid version. (requires -> Crypt::Blowfish) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'DBI' is not a valid version. (requires -> DBI) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'Digest::MD5' is not a valid version. (requires -> Digest::MD5) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'HTML::Entities' is not a valid version. (requires -> HTML::Entities) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'HTTP::Request::Common' is not a valid version. (requires -> HTTP::Request::Common) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'LWP::UserAgent' is not a valid version. (requires -> LWP::UserAgent) [Validation: 1.0];'<undef>' for 'MIME::Base64' is not a valid version. (requires -> MIME::Base64) [Validation: 1.0]
- no_pod_errors
Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.
Error: Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd/Chart.pm -- Around line 224: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 391: '=item' outside of any '=over' Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd/DBL.pm -- Around line 525: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd/Datum.pm -- Around line 409: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Around line 447: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 473: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd/Form.pm -- Around line 173: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Around line 830: =back without =over Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd/Input/Complex.pm -- Around line 71: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 156: Expected text after =item, not a bullet Around line 158: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd/Services/LoginServer.pm -- Around line 139: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Apache-Wyrd-0.86/Wyrd.pm -- Around line 292: You can't have =items (as at line 298) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item Around line 486: You forgot a '=back' before '=head3' Around line 488: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 535: =pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 2 lines of content Around line 553: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 580: You forgot a '=back' before '=head3'
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- meta_yml_has_license
Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.
- consistent_version
Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).
Error: 0.80,0.86
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
- meta_yml_has_repository_resource
Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Apache::Wyrd | HTML embeddable perl objects under mod_perl | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Attribute | Unparsed Wyrd template/attribute | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::CGICond | Selectively display or hide data based on CGI state | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::CGISetter | Set values in a Wyrd according to CGI state | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::CSSGene | Example Wyrd for breeding CSS stylesheets | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Chart | Embed Dynamically-redrawn PNG charts in HTML | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Cookie | Consistency wrapper for Apache::Cookie and CGI::Cookie | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::DBL | Object for Wyrds to access "Das Blinkenlights" (Apache internals, etc.) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum | Abstract data-checking objects for Wyrd Input objects | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Debug | Debugging Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Defaults | Default data for a Form Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::ErrField | Alter layout of an Apache Wyrd to indicate errors | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::ErrTag | Indicate errors on a Form Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::FileSize | Display a File's Size | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Form | Interactive HTML form Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Form::Preload | Wyrd to load a Form Wyrd with existing data | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Form::Template | Sub-form unit Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Form::View | Preview Wyrd for Form Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Handler | Apache Handler object for Apache::Wyrd modules | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Input | Form Input Wyrds (scalar) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Input::Complex | Abstract class for more complex Wyrds (hashes/structures) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Input::Condenser | Use Wyrd Inputs/Sets as sub-Input Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Input::Opt | Wyrd for passing options to Apache::Wyrd::Input::Set | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Input::Set | Form Input Wyrds (array) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::GetUser | Get User data from Auth service/Auth Cookies | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Indexable | Pass metadata to Wyrd Index service | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Mother | Reverse-parsing interface for Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Setter | Templating Interface for Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::SmartInput | Interface for estimating pixel widths of Input Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Stealth | Interface for hidden Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::XMLer | Convenience interface for XML::Simple | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Lattice | Generate HTML Tables from Tabular Data | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Lattice::Footer | 0.80 | metacpan | |
Apache::Wyrd::Lattice::Grid | 0.80 | metacpan | |
Apache::Wyrd::Lattice::Header | 0.80 | metacpan | |
Apache::Wyrd::Lib | SSI for Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::LogDump | Debug Wyrd tool | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Lookup | Wyrd for returning an SQL query result | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::MySQLForm | MySQL variant on SQLForm Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Number | Format Numerals or Translate to Written (English) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Query | SQL-handle (DBI) object for Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Redirect | Redirect a browser via a Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Request | Object for unifying libapreq configurations across Wyrds | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::SQLForm | Abstract Form Wyrd for editing data via SQL | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::Auth | Cookie-based authorization handler | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing | Apache-resident crypto tool (Blowfish) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::FileCache | Cache service for frequently-accessed files | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::Index | Metadata index for word/data search engines | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::Key | Apache-resident crypto key (Blowfish) | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::LoginServer | Login service For Auth object | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::SAK | Swiss Army Knife of common subs | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::SearchParser | Object for performing logical word-searches | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::TicketPad | Key storage for LoginServer Service | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Services::Tree | Data-tree storage object | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::ShowParams | Dump CGI state to browser for debugging | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Template | Self-parsed Wyrd template-attribute | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::User | Abstract user object | 0.86 | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Var | pass a variable object into a parent Wyrd | 0.86 | metacpan |
Name | File | View |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Blob | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Char | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Enum | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Integer | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Null | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Set | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Text | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |
Apache::Wyrd::Datum::Varchar | Wyrd/Datum.pm | metacpan |