Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Zonemaster::Engine, Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.000006,1.000000,1.000003,1.000004,1.000005,1.000008,1.000010,1.000011,1.000014,1.000019,1.000020,1.001000,1.001008,1.001009,1.001012,1.001013,1.001016,1.001058,1.002005,1.002022,4.007003


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Name Abstract Version View
Zonemaster::Engine A tool to check the quality of a DNS zone 4.007003 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::ASNLookup do lookups of ASNs for IP addresses 1.000011 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Constants module holding constants used in test modules 1.002005 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::DNSName class representing DNS names 1.000003 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Exception base class for Zonemaster::Engine exceptions 1.000003 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Logger class that holds L<Zonemaster::Engine::Logger::Entry> objects. 1.000008 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Logger::Entry module for single log entries 1.001008 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::NSArray Class implementing arrays that lazily looks up name server addresses from their names 1.000003 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver object representing a DNS nameserver 1.001016 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache shared caches for nameserver objects 1.000004 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Net::IP Net::IP::XS Wrapper 0.000006 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Normalization utility functions for names normalization metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Normalization::Error normalization error class metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Packet wrapping object for L<Zonemaster::LDNS::Packet> objects 1.000005 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Profile A simple system for configuring Zonemaster Engine 1.002022 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Recursor recursive resolver for Zonemaster 1.001000 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test module to find, load and execute all test modules 1.001012 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Address module implementing tests focused on the Address specific test cases of the DNS tests 1.000008 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Basic module implementing test for very basic domain functionality 1.000019 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Connectivity module implementing tests of nameservers reachability 1.001000 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Consistency Consistency module showing the expected structure of Zonemaster test modules 1.001016 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::DNSSEC dnssec module showing the expected structure of Zonemaster test modules 1.001058 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation Tests regarding delegation details 1.000020 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Nameserver module implementing tests of the properties of a name server 1.001000 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Syntax test validating the syntax of host names and other data 1.000010 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone module implementing tests of the zone content in DNS, such as SOA and MX records 1.000014 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods Methods common to Test Specification used in test modules 1.000003 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethodsV2 Version 2 of Methods common to Test Specifications used in Test modules 1.000000 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Translator translation support for Zonemaster 1.000008 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Util utility functions for other Zonemaster modules 1.001013 metacpan
Zonemaster::Engine::Zone Object representing a DNS zone 1.001009 metacpan

Other Files metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan