Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
App::CSAF::Downloader Downloader Command Line Interface metacpan
App::CSAF::ROLIE ROLIE Command Line Interface metacpan
App::CSAF::Renderer Renderer Command Line Interface metacpan
App::CSAF::Validator Validator Command Line Interface metacpan
CSAF Common Security Advisory Framework 0.24 metacpan
CSAF::Base CSAF base class metacpan
CSAF::Builder Build the CSAF document metacpan
CSAF::Document CSAF Document metacpan
CSAF::Downloader Download CSAF documents metacpan
CSAF::Options::Common CSAF::Common configurator metacpan
CSAF::Options::Downloader CSAF::Downloader configurator metacpan
CSAF::Options::ROLIE CSAF::ROLIE::Feed configurator metacpan
CSAF::Options::Writer CSAF::Writer configurator metacpan
CSAF::Parser Parse a CSAF document metacpan
CSAF::ROLIE::Entries ROLIE entry collection metacpan
CSAF::ROLIE::Entry metacpan
CSAF::ROLIE::Feed Build ROLIE (Resource-Oriented Lightweight Information Exchange) feed metacpan
CSAF::Renderer CSAF Renderer Front-end metacpan
CSAF::Renderer::Base Renderer base class metacpan
CSAF::Renderer::HTML Render a CSAF document in HTML metacpan
CSAF::Renderer::JSON Render a CSAF document in JSON metacpan
CSAF::Schema "JSON::Validator" wrapper metacpan
CSAF::Type Wrapper for all CSAF document types metacpan
CSAF::Type::Acknowledgment metacpan
CSAF::Type::Acknowledgments metacpan
CSAF::Type::AggregateSeverity metacpan
CSAF::Type::Base metacpan
CSAF::Type::Branch metacpan
CSAF::Type::Branches metacpan
CSAF::Type::CVSS2 metacpan
CSAF::Type::CVSS3 metacpan
CSAF::Type::CWE metacpan
CSAF::Type::Distribution metacpan
CSAF::Type::Document metacpan
CSAF::Type::Engine metacpan
CSAF::Type::FileHash metacpan
CSAF::Type::FileHashes metacpan
CSAF::Type::Flag metacpan
CSAF::Type::Flags metacpan
CSAF::Type::FullProductName metacpan
CSAF::Type::FullProductNames metacpan
CSAF::Type::Generator metacpan
CSAF::Type::GenericURI metacpan
CSAF::Type::GenericURIs metacpan
CSAF::Type::Hash metacpan
CSAF::Type::Hashes metacpan
CSAF::Type::ID metacpan
CSAF::Type::IDs metacpan
CSAF::Type::Involvement metacpan
CSAF::Type::Involvements metacpan
CSAF::Type::List metacpan
CSAF::Type::Note metacpan
CSAF::Type::Notes metacpan
CSAF::Type::Product metacpan
CSAF::Type::ProductGroup metacpan
CSAF::Type::ProductGroups metacpan
CSAF::Type::ProductIdentificationHelper metacpan
CSAF::Type::ProductStatus metacpan
CSAF::Type::ProductTree metacpan
CSAF::Type::Publisher metacpan
CSAF::Type::Reference metacpan
CSAF::Type::References metacpan
CSAF::Type::Relationship metacpan
CSAF::Type::Relationships metacpan
CSAF::Type::Remediation metacpan
CSAF::Type::Remediations metacpan
CSAF::Type::RestartRequired metacpan
CSAF::Type::Revision metacpan
CSAF::Type::RevisionHistory metacpan
CSAF::Type::Score metacpan
CSAF::Type::Scores metacpan
CSAF::Type::TLP metacpan
CSAF::Type::Threat metacpan
CSAF::Type::Threats metacpan
CSAF::Type::Tracking metacpan
CSAF::Type::Vulnerabilities metacpan
CSAF::Type::Vulnerability metacpan
CSAF::Util CWE utility for CSAF metacpan
CSAF::Util::App Utility for CSAF CLI Applications metacpan
CSAF::Util::CVSS CVSS utility for CSAF metacpan
CSAF::Util::CWE metacpan
CSAF::Util::List (Mojo like) collection utility metacpan
CSAF::Util::Log Log utility for CSAF metacpan
CSAF::Util::Options Options utility for CSAF metacpan
CSAF::Validator Conformance Validator metacpan
CSAF::Validator::Base Base class for CSAF validation metacpan
CSAF::Validator::InformativeTests metacpan
CSAF::Validator::MandatoryTests metacpan
CSAF::Validator::Message Validator Message metacpan
CSAF::Validator::OptionalTests metacpan
CSAF::Validator::Schema Validate CSAF document using JSON Schema. metacpan
CSAF::Writer Write and distributes CSAF documents metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README.md metacpan