Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: MOBY::Async, MOBY::SOAP::Serializer


Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/Adaptor/moby/ -- Around line 51: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/Adaptor/moby/Impl/ -- Around line 69: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/Adaptor/moby/Impl/ -- Around line 70: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/Adaptor/moby/Impl/ -- Around line 70: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/Adaptor/moby/Impl/ -- Around line 71: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/ -- Around line 205: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. Around line 3297: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/Client/ -- Around line 284: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. MOBY-1.16/lib/MOBY/ -- Around line 168: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. Around line 170: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block. Around line 218: =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: MOBY::Adaptor::moby::DataAccessI, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::DataAdapterI, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::FetaQueryAdaptor, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::NamespaceDataAdapter, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::ObjectDataAdapter, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::ServiceInstanceDataAdapter, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::ServiceTypeDataAdapter, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi, MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi::mysql, MOBY::Admin, MOBY::Async, MOBY::Async::LSAE, MOBY::Async::Service, MOBY::Async::SimpleServer, MOBY::Async::WSRF, MOBY::Central, MOBY::Client::Central, MOBY::Client::CollectionArticle, MOBY::Client::Exception::MobyExceptionCodes, MOBY::Client::MobyUnitTest, MOBY::Client::OntologyServer, MOBY::Client::Registration, MOBY::Client::SecondaryArticle, MOBY::Client::Service, MOBY::Client::ServiceInstance, MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle, MOBY::Client::SimpleInput, MOBY::Config, MOBY::CrossReference, MOBY::MOBYXSLT, MOBY::MobyXMLConstants, MOBY::OntologyServer, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::CacheUtils, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::NamespaceCache, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::ObjectCache, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::ServiceCache, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::ServiceTypeCache, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Namespaces, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Objects, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::ServiceTypes, MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Services, MOBY::RDF::Parsers::DatatypeParser, MOBY::RDF::Parsers::NamespaceParser, MOBY::RDF::Parsers::ServiceParser, MOBY::RDF::Parsers::ServiceTypeParser, MOBY::RDF::Predicates::DC_PROTEGE, MOBY::RDF::Predicates::MOBY_PREDICATES, MOBY::RDF::Predicates::OMG_LSID, MOBY::RDF::Predicates::OWL, MOBY::RDF::Predicates::RDF, MOBY::RDF::Predicates::RDFS, MOBY::RDF::Utils, MOBY::SOAP::Serializer, MOBY::authority, MOBY::central_db_connection, MOBY::collection_input, MOBY::collection_output, MOBY::dbConfig, MOBY::mysql, MOBY::secondary_input, MOBY::service_instance, MOBY::service_type, MOBY::simple_input, MOBY::simple_output


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 1.02,1.03,1.04,1.05,1.06,1.07,1.08,1.09,1.11,1.13


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::DataAccessI This file may need to be renamed and may not make sense as an interface. 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::DataAdapterI An interface definition for MOBY Central underlying data-stores 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::NamespaceDataAdapter An interface definition for MOBY Central underlying data-stores 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::ObjectDataAdapter An interface definition for MOBY Central underlying data-stores 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::ServiceInstanceDataAdapter 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::Impl::ServiceTypeDataAdapter An interface definition for MOBY Central underlying data-stores 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi An interface definition for MOBY Central underlying data-stores 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi::mysql 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::Admin 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::Async::LSAE utilities to work with LSAE analysis event blocks 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::Async::Service an object for communicating with Asynchronous MOBY Services 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::Async::SimpleServer a base class for simple Asynchronous MOBY Services 1.06 metacpan
MOBY::Async::WSRF utilities to work with WSRF in MOBY 1.07 metacpan
MOBY::Central 1.13 metacpan
MOBY::Client::Central a client side wrapper for MOBY Central 1.08 metacpan
MOBY::Client::CollectionArticle a small object describing the Collection articles from the findService Response message of MOBY Central or representing the collection part of a MOBY invocation or response block 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::Client::Exception::MobyException MobyException 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Client::Exception::MobyExceptionCodes MobyExceptionCodes 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Client::MobyUnitTest Create Unit Tests and test your service 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::Client::OntologyServer A client interface to the Ontology Server at MOBY Central 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::Client::Registration an object to wrap the registration XML from MOBY Central 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::Client::SecondaryArticle a small object describing the Simple articles from the findService Response message of MOBY Central 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::Client::Service an object for communicating with MOBY Services 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::Client::ServiceInstance a small object describing a MOBY service 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle a small object describing the Simple articles from the findService Response message of MOBY Central 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::Client::SimpleInput a small object describing a MOBY service 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::CommonSubs 1.09 metacpan
MOBY::Config 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::CrossReference 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::MobyXMLConstants 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::OntologyServer A way for MOBY Central to query the object, service, namespace, and relationship ontologies 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::CacheUtils Utility module that aids in caching 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::NamespaceCache Module for creating a cache of namespaces for use when generating RDF 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::ObjectCache Module for creating a cache of datatypes for use when generating RDF 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::ServiceCache Module for creating a cache of service instances for use when generating RDF 1.06 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Cache::ServiceTypeCache Module for creating a cache of service types for use when generating RDF 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Namespaces Create RDF/OWL for Moby 1.07 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Objects Create RDF/OWL for Moby datatypes 1.05 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::ServiceTypes Create RDF/OWL for Moby 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Services Create RDF/OWL for Moby 1.11 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Parsers::DatatypeParser 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Parsers::NamespaceParser 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Parsers::ServiceParser 1.06 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Parsers::ServiceTypeParser 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::DC_PROTEGE 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::FETA 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::MOBY_PREDICATES 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::OMG_LSID 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::OWL 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::RDF 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Predicates::RDFS 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::RDF::Utils Create RDF/OWL for Moby datatypes 1.09 metacpan
MOBY::SOAP::Serializer 1.02 metacpan
MOBY::authority a lightweight connection to the authority table in the database 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::central_db_connection container object for a specific DB connection 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::collection_input a lightweight connection to the collection_input table in the database 1.04 metacpan
MOBY::collection_output a lightweight connection to the collection_output table in the database 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::dbConfig 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::mysql makes a MYSQL database connection. 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::secondary_input a lightweight connection to the secondary_input table in the database 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::service_instance a lightweight connection to the service_instance table in the database 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::service_type a lightweight connection to the service_type table in the database 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::simple_input a lightweight connection to the simple_input table in the database 1.03 metacpan
MOBY::simple_output a lightweight connection to the simple_output table in the database 1.03 metacpan


Name File View
LSAE::AnalysisEventBlock lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
MOBY lib/MOBY/ metacpan
MOBYXSLT lib/MOBY/ metacpan
MobyNamespaceType lib/MOBY/lsid/authority/ metacpan
MobyObjectClass lib/MOBY/lsid/authority/ metacpan
MobyServiceInstance lib/MOBY/lsid/authority/ metacpan
MobyServiceType lib/MOBY/lsid/authority/ metacpan
WSRF::BaseFaults lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
WSRF::FileBasedMobyResourceLifetimes lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
WSRF::FileBasedMobyResourceProperties lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
WSRF::FileLock lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
WSRF::Header lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
WSRF::MobyFile lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan
WSRF::Serializer lib/MOBY/Async/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan