Kwalitee Indicator: main_module_version_matches_dist_version core

The version and/or name of the main module in this distribution doesn't match the distribution version and/or name.

How to fix

Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2025 17 1031 27 1859 43 2029
2024 73 2417 194 6525 678 11123
2023 67 1942 209 5835 388 10209
2022 52 1567 246 5400 602 9539
2021 51 1736 196 5385 414 10425
2020 65 1829 269 6367 514 12522
2019 76 1682 327 5995 560 12452
2018 64 1632 376 6492 863 15488
2017 89 2249 355 7779 715 16357
2016 110 2138 375 8038 915 19948

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
Type-Guess-0.001 SCESANO 2025-02-12
Date-Calendar-Coptic-0.04 DYACOB 2025-02-12
Algorithm-X-0.01 SHE 2025-02-10
CtCmd-1.18 RATL 2025-02-05
JavonetPerlSdk-v2.5.11 JAVONET 2025-02-04
Acme-CuckooMith-0.003 MITHALDU 2025-02-02
BsDiPa-0.6.0 SDAODEN 2025-01-31
s-bsdipa-latest SDAODEN 2025-01-31
Locales-0.05 DYACOB 2025-01-30
AsposeCellsCloud-CellsApi-25.1 ASPOSE 2025-01-25
LicenseScanner-1.15 JMELLI 2025-01-25
Crypt-PQClean-Sign-0.04.1 GUL 2025-01-20
Locale-CLDR-Transformations-v0.46.0 JGNI 2025-01-18
App-sbozyp-0.2.2 NHUBBARD 2025-01-16
libintl-perl-1.35 GUIDO 2025-01-15
Device-Inverter-KOSTAL-PIKO-0.13 FANY 2025-01-08
scalar-dynamizer-1.000 EPIXOIP 2025-01-08
PDL-IO-GD-2.103 ETJ 2025-01-06
S-BsDiPa-0.5.1 SDAODEN 2025-01-05
Dpkg-1.22.13 GUILLEM 2025-01-03
s-bsdipa-p5xs-0.5.0 SDAODEN 2025-01-03
ack-v3.8.1 PETDANCE 2025-01-01
MojoUserAgentRoleRetry-0.001 SSMN 2024-12-29
Crypt-URandom-Token-0.003 STIGTSP 2024-12-29
Crypt-URandom-Password-0.001_001 STIGTSP 2024-12-28
blib-tiny-0.01 PLICEASE 2024-12-23
Acme-Version-Same-0.01-patched CONTRA 2024-12-19
Apache-Session-Browseable-1.3.14 COUDOT 2024-12-19
AsposeSlidesCloud-SlidesApi-24.12 ASPOSE 2024-12-18
Sumu-Windows-Upm4win-0.1.4 CEEJAY 2024-12-14
Acme-Markdown-Embarrassing-3.2-reindex CONTRA 2024-12-12
XDR-Parse-1.0.0 EHUELS 2024-12-12
Daje-Tools-DataSections-0.05 JANESKIL 2024-12-07
Acme_-Foo-0.001 STIGTSP 2024-12-06
Eugener-0.01 EUGENER 2024-11-26
Eugenertest-0.05 EUGENER 2024-11-26
Eugener_test-0.02 EUGENER 2024-11-20
Eugener-test-0.01 EUGENER 2024-11-20
eugener-test-0.01 EUGENER 2024-11-20
_Acme-Local-0.01 CONTRA 2024-11-19
PDK-Device-0.019 CARELINE 2024-10-30
PDK-Content-0.010 CARELINE 2024-10-30
PDK-Concern-0.010 CARELINE 2024-10-30
PDK-DBI-0.004 CARELINE 2024-10-29
PDK-Utils-0.003 CARELINE 2024-10-27
FindBin-libs-v4.0.4 LEMBARK 2024-10-27
App-mqtt2job-0.03 CHRISC 2024-10-26
DBIx-HoldMyPlace-0.04.01-TRIAL LANX 2024-10-25
Getopt-Euclid-0.4.8 BIGPRESH 2024-10-22
Crypt-RHash-1.05 RHASH 2024-10-21