Kwalitee Indicator: has_buildtool core

Makefile.PL and/or Build.PL are missing. This makes installing this distribution hard for humans and impossible for automated tools like CPAN/CPANPLUS/cpanminus.

How to fix

Add a Makefile.PL (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Module::Install) or a Build.PL (for Module::Build and its friends), or use a distribution builder such as Dist::Zilla, Dist::Milla, Minilla.

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2025 0 1031 0 1859 0 2029
2024 1 2417 6 6525 12 11123
2023 6 1942 17 5835 24 10209
2022 2 1567 9 5400 16 9539
2021 3 1736 24 5385 40 10425
2020 3 1829 15 6367 29 12522
2019 8 1682 13 5995 57 12452
2018 1 1632 11 6492 41 15488
2017 10 2249 24 7779 66 16357
2016 5 2138 23 8038 70 19948

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
WWW-Gemini-0.0.7 ANTONOV 2024-03-11
GrabzItClient-3.5.6 GRABZIT 2024-02-12
Statistics-v0.0.6 SUMAN 2023-10-16
TkWeather-3.40 TURNERJW 2023-09-30
Object-Meta-1.0.0 BODOLFO 2023-05-21
Acme-No-MakefilePL-No-BuildPL-0.03 CONTRA 2023-05-04
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithoutRootdir-0.1 GARU 2023-04-28
AcmeTestingBadPackagesWithoutRootdir-0.1 GARU 2023-04-28
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithRootdir GARU 2023-04-27
EasySpiderTCP-1.0.1 SENGER 2023-01-10
BmltClient-ApiClient-0 BMLT 2022-10-25
Narrator_0-0-1-5 ESALEBU 2022-02-24
Narrator- ESALEBU 2022-02-23
Narrator (5) ESALEBU 2022-02-19
PensioAPI-1.0.1 MAFEMBRAC 2021-11-16
Pensio-1.0.1 MAFEMBRAC 2021-11-16
AltaPay_Try-1.0.1m MAFEMBRAC 2021-11-16
PERLSDK-1.0.1 MAFEMBRAC 2021-11-16
fka9sxOL SEGOMOS 2021-09-15
YuiRestClient-0.5 QEYAST 2021-05-10
MIDI-SP404sx-v1.0.0 RVOSA 2021-04-10
ZZZ-SDK-0.0.2 STDCRM 2020-09-04
Test-ZZZ-0.0.1 STDCRM 2020-09-03
Wireless-Radar BASEBAND 2020-07-24
AntDen-0.0.1 LIJINFENG 2020-07-03
Data-Record-0.1.1 KAIEPI 2020-04-01
Template-Plugin-Lingua-EN-Inflexion-0.0.1 DAVECROSS 2020-03-20
Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-RedmineCookie-0.01 BOKUTIN 2020-01-09
AltRegex SNOVAKOV 2019-12-27
p6-time-repeat-0.02 ARNE 2019-12-22
Text-Utils-Raku-2.0.1 TBROWDER 2019-12-19
AsposeSlidesCloud-19.11.0 ASPOSE 2019-11-29
AVL-Tree-0.0.1 TBROWDER 2019-11-15
perl-tutorial-DE-2.07 EIKEG 2019-10-28
PostgreSQLHosting-01 OVNTATAR 2019-10-21
MongoHosting OVNTATAR 2019-10-21
Net-IP-Perl6-1.1.0 TBROWDER 2019-10-16
Webinject-1.96 NIERLEIN 2019-10-10
LibreOffice-6.3.2_Linux_x86-64_deb PERLANCAR 2019-10-09
HubSpot-Client-0.1 IGIBBS 2019-06-24
p6-RandomColor CBWOOD 2019-05-01
FSM-Mouse-0.1 POTATOGIM 2019-04-09
Date-Names-Perl6-2.0.2 TBROWDER 2019-03-12
Avolution-Emoji-0.1.1 CHOIBOI 2019-03-04
galion-resched-0.9.8 JONADAB 2019-02-28
App-Perl6LangServer-0.1.0 AZAWAWI 2018-10-20
Math-FFT-Libfftw3-0.0.1 FRITH 2018-10-11
quick_term_chart-180718 SHADKAM 2018-07-19
Desktop-Notify-0.3.2 FRITH 2018-06-11
Net-LibIDN-0.0.1 KAIEPI 2018-03-22