Kwalitee Indicator: manifest_matches_dist core

MANIFEST does not match the contents of this distribution.

How to fix

Run a proper command ("make manifest" or "./Build manifest", maybe with a force option), or use a distribution builder to generate the MANIFEST. Or update MANIFEST manually.

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2024 60 2536 162 5135 220 8922
2023 86 2172 259 6056 409 10209
2022 50 1659 248 5554 436 9539
2021 94 1801 305 5489 502 10424
2020 121 1870 455 6368 624 12492
2019 63 1489 334 5581 587 11912
2018 36 1358 162 5588 418 14299
2017 55 1721 201 6273 571 14348
2016 42 1524 211 6182 518 17312
2015 41 1513 210 6815 575 18938

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
CGI-FormBuilder-3.20 BIGPRESH 2024-09-19
AsposeCellsCloud-CellsApi-24.9 ASPOSE 2024-09-18
Feersum-1.503 EGOR 2024-09-18
Circle-Chain-0.04 CHENGYU 2024-09-14
File-Copy-clonefile-v0.0.7 SKAJI 2024-09-13
mojo-debugbar-v0.1.2 CRLCU 2024-09-12
Mojolicious-Plugin-Debugbar-v0.1.2 CRLCU 2024-09-12
WebSocket-v0.2.1 JDEGUEST 2024-09-06
note-1.4.1 TLINDEN 2024-09-06
Acme-App-Broken-0.01 CONTRA 2024-09-05
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-From-cpmfile-v0.0.6 SKAJI 2024-09-05
Protocol-Redis-1.0021 UNDEF 2024-09-03
Linux-loadavg-0.15 PERLBOY 2024-09-02
Test-Expander-2.5.1 JSF 2024-09-01
Acme-MyFirstModule-BDFOY-0.022 BDFOY 2024-08-26
DBD-DB2-1.91 ROCKETDB 2024-08-20
OpenFeature-SDK-v0.1.1 CATOUC 2024-08-18
SReview-0.10.0 WOUTER 2024-08-16
JIRA-REST-Lite-0.08 SHINGO 2024-08-16
Perlsac-rwsac-0.03 HIREPLAN 2024-08-06
App-SimpleBackuper-0.2.26 NOVOZHILV 2024-07-28
Doit-0.028_54 SREZIC 2024-07-21
App-PerlGzipScript-v0.0.1 SKAJI 2024-07-20
App-RemoteCommand-0.991 SKAJI 2024-07-17
Graphics-Framebuffer-6.61 RKELSCH 2024-07-10
Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ-2.40012 MSTEMLE 2024-07-04
QQ-weixin-work-v0.12 YOURSELF 2024-07-03
Captcha-Stateless-Text-0.5 HIGHTOWE 2024-06-27
Template-Toolkit-3.102 TODDR 2024-06-22
Libssh-Session-1.1 QGARNIER 2024-06-18
Test-Module-Runnable-0.6.2 DDRP 2024-06-17
URPM-v5.225 TVIGNAUD 2024-05-29
perl-libssh-1.0 QGARNIER 2024-05-28
Search-Fzf-0.04 LIYAO 2024-05-26
Sim-OPT-0.737 GLBRUNE 2024-05-24
Dancer2-Plugin-WebService-4.5.0 MPOURASG 2024-05-18
Net-Cloudflare-DNS-0.21 WESLEY 2024-05-18
HarfBuzz-Shaper-0.027 JV 2024-05-07
API-Eulerian-1.2 MJONDET 2024-05-02
App-cpm-0.997017 SKAJI 2024-04-29
Crypt-OpenSSL-Hash2Curve-0.034 ABBYPAN 2024-04-27
Bio-Kmer-0.55 LSKATZ 2024-04-26
HTML5-DOM-1.26 ZHUMARIN 2024-04-26
Net-SSH-Putty-0.003 ARFREITAS 2024-04-23
Net-EPP-0.27 GBROWN 2024-04-20
IPCamera-Reolink-1.02 SFOBERSKI 2024-04-19
LCFG-Build-PkgSpec-0.3.0 SJQUINNEY 2024-04-09
Finance-Bank-Kraken-0.4 PHILIPPE 2024-04-05
kraken-0.4 PHILIPPE 2024-04-05
ImgurAPI-Client-1.2.1 DILLANBH 2024-04-02