Kwalitee Indicator: extracts_nicely core

This distribution doesn't create a directory and extracts its content into this directory. Instead, it creates more than one directories (some of which are probably system-specific hidden files/directories), or it spews its content into the current directory, making it really hard/annoying to remove the unpacked package.

How to fix

Pack the distribution with a proper command such as "make dist" and "./Build dist", or use a distribution builder such as Dist::Zilla, Dist::Milla, Minilla.

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2024 1 2579 1 4619 7 7671
2023 2 2252 2 6122 55 10820
2022 1 1683 1 5642 5 9539
2021 0 1814 2 5536 5 10424
2020 0 1878 9 6378 18 12492
2019 0 1486 3 5589 14 11909
2018 0 1367 6 5594 19 14289
2017 0 1715 4 6280 12 14285
2016 0 1526 2 6170 18 17289
2015 1 1506 1 6818 5 18923

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
Finance-Bank-Kraken-0.4 PHILIPPE 2024-04-05
kraken-0.4 PHILIPPE 2024-04-05
WWW-Gemini-0.0.7 ANTONOV 2024-03-11
GrabzItClient-3.5.6 GRABZIT 2024-02-12
Class_Generate-1.00 SWARTIK 2023-12-31
Math-BooleanEval-0.9 MIKO 2023-12-31
MathPari-a3 ILYAZ 2023-12-31
plREADME ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_pod ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_mlb ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_ste ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_aou ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_sh ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_exc ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_utl ILYAZ 2023-12-31
plINSTAL ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl_inf ILYAZ 2023-12-31
snapshot ILYAZ 2023-12-31
patches ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl.static ILYAZ 2023-12-31
perl5n.os2.patch ILYAZ 2023-12-31
patched.gnumake.pdksh ILYAZ 2023-12-31
plinstal ILYAZ 2023-12-31
plinstl-0 ILYAZ 2023-12-31
plreadme ILYAZ 2023-12-31
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithoutRootdir-0.1 GARU 2023-04-28
AcmeTestingBadPackagesWithoutRootdir-0.1 GARU 2023-04-28
Narrator_0-0-1-5 ESALEBU 2022-02-24
fka9sxOL SEGOMOS 2021-09-15
Wireless-Radar BASEBAND 2020-07-24
XBRL-JPFR-0.08 YONJOUHAN 2020-07-13
service.engine-0.42 RBUSH 2020-05-27
p6-time-repeat-0.02 ARNE 2019-12-22
App-Perl6LangServer-0.1.0 AZAWAWI 2018-10-20
Math-FFT-Libfftw3-0.0.1 FRITH 2018-10-11
Search-Natural-0.1 ROZCOVO 2018-06-14
Desktop-Notify-0.3.2 FRITH 2018-06-11
ssa DISI 2018-05-29
Net-LibIDN-0.0.1 KAIEPI 2018-03-22
Math-Model-0.1 MORITZ 2017-10-08
20170424_xDT-Parser CHRISTOPH 2017-04-24
Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd-0.03 DKAMHOLZ 2017-02-21
Anticaptcha SKULL 2016-10-30
STR-OTVC-0.01 KINGN 2015-03-23
FCGI-ProcManager-MaxSize PEARCE 2014-07-20
Tk-GraphMan-0.02 BCARROLL 2014-07-03
ACME-Ignore-Me-0.007 FROGGS 2014-03-23
Test-Ignore-Me-0.001 FROGGS 2014-03-16
celibdumps-0.01 BULKDD 2013-01-30
template-provider-http KKANE 2012-12-18