Kwalitee Indicator: extractable core

This distribution doesn't extract well due to several reasons such as unsupported archive type (CPANTS only supports tar.gz, tgz and zip archives), file permissions, broken links, invalid filenames, and so on. Most of other kwalitee metrics should be ignored.

How to fix

Pack the distribution with a proper command such as "make dist" and "./Build dist", or use a distribution builder such as Dist::Zilla, Dist::Milla, Minilla. You might also need to set some options or environmental variables to ensure your archiver work portably.

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2025 0 978 0 1717 0 1866
2024 0 2439 1 6562 2 11123
2023 0 1947 0 5854 0 10209
2022 0 1571 0 5428 2 9539
2021 0 1736 1 5390 3 10425
2020 0 1831 2 6370 3 12522
2019 0 1683 2 5996 2 12452
2018 0 1632 0 6492 0 15488
2017 0 2249 0 7779 1 16357
2016 1 2138 2 8038 4 19948

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
zipdetails-2.100 PMQS 2022-04-09
Acme-Beamerang-ArgParser-0.001001 KENTNL 2016-11-08
Jane-Doe-0.00 WOLLMERS 2014-05-23
nothing KRAIH 2011-08-16
Task-BeLike-IMMUTE-20110307.01 IMMUTE 2011-03-08
Apache2-WebApp-Extra-Admin-Packages MBROOKS 2011-01-08
httpi-1.7 CKAISER 2010-03-01
AIX-SysInfo-1.2 SLEONOV 2009-06-18
Mobile-Ads-0.0.4 TCHATZI 2008-12-16
CGI-Session-BitBucket-1.2 JBUHACOFF 2008-11-26
CGI-Session-Driver-bitbucket-1.06 JBUHACOFF 2008-11-26
Data-SimplePaginator-0.5 JBUHACOFF 2008-09-14
QXP-Validate-1.0 RJSRI 2008-07-22
tables-0.04 DRBEAN 2007-08-20
X3D-0.00.1 HOOO 2007-04-03
DateManip-5.46 SBECK 2007-02-22
term-prompt-0.05 DAZJORZ 2006-06-09
marc-lint-1.41 EIJABB 2005-09-22
geo-ecef-1.0.0 MSICKEL 2005-02-11
ai-nnflex-0.1 CCOLBOURN 2005-01-05
Regexp-Tr-0.06 CHIA 2005-01-04
AIX-ODM-1.0.2 DFRENCH 2004-09-17
TAM-Admin-0.35 CHLIGE 2004-06-25
Bio-SAGE-Comparison-1.00 SCOTTZED 2004-05-25
MVS-VBFile-0.05 GROMMEL 2004-05-12
Security-LibPath-0.01 JAMESODEN 2004-05-10
ngbbs-0.1.6 BPORTER 2004-03-27
Tree-Nary-1.3 FSORIANO 2004-01-06
Used-0.01 BROWSERUK 2003-07-26
Net-Hesiod-1.11 PAYERLE 2002-09-11
DBIx-OracleSequence-0.04 BLABES 2002-08-13
Lingua-FI-Transcribe-0.03 JHI 2002-08-08
Class-Privacy-0.03 JHI 2002-06-22
Business-CINS-1.13 TAYERS 2002-04-02
Lingua-FI-Kontti-0.02 JHI 2001-11-04
Lingua-FI-Hyphenate-0.04 JHI 2001-10-23
Perf-ARM-0.04 BBACKER 2001-09-21
Tie-CharArray-1.00 ILTZU 2001-04-16
List-Intersperse-1.00 TAYERS 2001-01-18
AltaVista-SDKLinguistics-3.02 BWILLIAM 2001-01-04
AltaVista-PerlSDK-3.02 BWILLIAM 2001-01-04
override-1.01 CTWETEN 2000-11-04
PDL-IO-Grib-2.0 JEDWARDS 2000-08-31
Tie-SortHash-1.01 CTWETEN 2000-08-25
aol-toc-0.3 JHARDING 2000-06-28
rcsfreeze-1.8 NOG 2000-06-06
Isam-0.2 CYK 2000-05-27
File-MkTemp-1.0.6 TGUMMELS 2000-02-24
R3-itab-0.20 SCHOEN 1999-10-30
R3-func-0.20 SCHOEN 1999-10-29