Kwalitee Indicator: has_meta_yml core
The file "META.yml" is missing from this distribution. META.yml is needed by people maintaining module collections (like CPAN), for people writing installation tools, or just people who want to know some stuff about a distribution before downloading it.
How to fix
Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
Yearly Statistics
Year | Fails (Latest) | Releases (Latest) | Fails (CPAN) | Releases (CPAN) | Fails (BackPAN) | Releases (BackPAN) |
2025 | 2 | 1073 | 2 | 1911 | 6 | 2112 |
2024 | 27 | 2399 | 59 | 6523 | 81 | 11123 |
2023 | 43 | 1935 | 104 | 5834 | 161 | 10209 |
2022 | 21 | 1557 | 116 | 5398 | 199 | 9539 |
2021 | 75 | 1735 | 217 | 5378 | 328 | 10425 |
2020 | 67 | 1829 | 181 | 6367 | 351 | 12522 |
2019 | 53 | 1676 | 185 | 5995 | 536 | 12452 |
2018 | 29 | 1632 | 104 | 6492 | 542 | 15488 |
2017 | 42 | 2248 | 139 | 7778 | 598 | 16357 |
2016 | 94 | 2138 | 203 | 8038 | 737 | 19948 |
Latest Fails
Name | Released by | Released on |
s-bsdipa-latest | SDAODEN | 2025-01-31 |
Parse-Syslog-Line-6.1 | BLHOTSKY | 2025-01-12 |
scalar-dynamizer-1.000 | EPIXOIP | 2025-01-08 |
s-bsdipa-p5xs-0.5.0 | SDAODEN | 2025-01-03 |
Bluesky-0.20 | SANKO | 2025-01-01 |
App-cpm-0.997021 | SKAJI | 2024-12-11 |
At-0.19 | SANKO | 2024-12-01 |
DBIx-HoldMyPlace-0.04.01-TRIAL | LANX | 2024-10-25 |
Blio-2.008 | DOMM | 2024-10-21 |
mojo-debugbar-v0.1.4 | CRLCU | 2024-10-15 |
App-PerlGzipScript-v0.0.2 | SKAJI | 2024-10-12 |
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Redis-0.901 | DOMM | 2024-09-27 |
File-Copy-clonefile-v0.0.9 | SKAJI | 2024-09-23 |
App-RemoteCommand-0.993 | SKAJI | 2024-09-23 |
Mojolicious-Plugin-Debugbar-v0.1.2 | CRLCU | 2024-09-12 |
App-TimeTracker-Gtk3StatusIcon-1.000 | DOMM | 2024-09-12 |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-From-cpmfile-v0.0.6 | SKAJI | 2024-09-05 |
perl-libssh-1.0 | QGARNIER | 2024-05-28 |
Net-Cloudflare-DNS-0.21 | WESLEY | 2024-05-18 |
DBD-Oracle-1.90 | ZARQUON | 2024-05-07 |
API-Eulerian-1.2 | MJONDET | 2024-05-02 |
Finance-Bank-Kraken-0.4 | PHILIPPE | 2024-04-05 |
kraken-0.4 | PHILIPPE | 2024-04-05 |
WWW-Gemini-0.0.7 | ANTONOV | 2024-03-11 |
MtCmd-1.16 | RATL | 2024-03-02 |
GrabzItClient-3.5.6 | GRABZIT | 2024-02-12 |
AnyEvent-Sway-v0.18.1 | JOHNMERTZ | 2024-02-09 |
mojo-util-benchmark-v0.0.1 | CRLCU | 2024-02-07 |
Search-Elasticsearch-Cxn-NetCurl-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Search-Elasticsearch-Client-8_0-Async-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Search-Elasticsearch-Client-8_0-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Search-Elasticsearch-Client-7_0-Async-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Search-Elasticsearch-Client-7_0-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Search-Elasticsearch-Async-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Search-Elasticsearch-8.12 | EZIMUEL | 2024-01-25 |
Plack-App-ServiceStatus-0.913 | DOMM | 2024-01-25 |
mojo-util-collection-v0.0.11 | CRLCU | 2024-01-22 |
CPAN-Perl-Releases-MetaCPAN-0.009 | SKAJI | 2024-01-01 |
pcsc-perl-1.4.15 | WHOM | 2023-11-19 |
System2-0.85.1 | REICHERT | 2023-10-19 |
Statistics-v0.0.6 | SUMAN | 2023-10-16 |
Mac-FSEvents-0.22 | SKAJI | 2023-10-09 |
TkWeather-3.40 | TURNERJW | 2023-09-30 |
CPAN-02Packages-Search-0.100 | SKAJI | 2023-08-05 |
Proc-ForkSafe-0.001 | SKAJI | 2023-08-04 |
Game-DAE-0.1.1 | KOBOLDWIZ | 2023-07-23 |
Game-NURBS-0.1.14 | KOBOLDWIZ | 2023-07-23 |
App-alios-2.9 | ZDENEK | 2023-07-22 |
Email-Send-YYClouds-0.18 | YHPENG | 2023-07-22 |
DB-SimpleKV-0.18 | YHPENG | 2023-07-22 |