Kwalitee Indicator: no_broken_auto_install core

This distribution uses an old version of Module::Install. Versions of Module::Install prior to 0.89 do not detect correctly that CPAN/CPANPLUS shell is used.

How to fix

Upgrade the bundled version of Module::Install to at least 0.89, but preferably to the most current release. Alternatively, you can switch to another build system / installer that does not suffer from this problem. (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build both of which have their own set of problems.)

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2024 0 3090 0 6739 0 10964
2023 0 2041 0 5932 0 10209
2022 0 1600 0 5495 0 9539
2021 0 1765 0 5450 0 10424
2020 0 1836 0 6346 0 12492
2019 0 1467 0 5561 0 11912
2018 0 1348 0 5574 0 14300
2017 1 1701 2 6248 2 14348
2016 1 1529 1 6176 1 17356
2015 0 1504 0 6794 0 18942

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
Text-vFile-toXML-0.05 KULP 2017-06-25
ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.64 INGY 2016-09-13
Catalyst-Plugin-Upload-Image-Magick-0.04 SRCHULO 2013-02-28
Lingua-EN-Titlecase-0.15 ASHLEY 2012-08-04
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-KiokuDB-0.03 RBERJON 2012-05-10
Parse-QTEDI-0.20.1 DONGXU 2011-10-20
MooseX-AttributeInflate-0.03 STASH 2010-07-25
Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment-0.07 DHOSS 2010-06-06
HTML-Simple-1.0 BOBTFISH 2010-01-22
Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget-1.1 BOBTFISH 2010-01-22
MySpam-0.11 MLAWREN 2009-11-12
Text-Pipe-0.10 MARCEL 2009-09-18
Module-Install-Homepage-0.01 MARCEL 2009-09-08
CGI-Cookie-XS-0.18 AGENT 2009-09-02
accessors-fast-0.03 MONS 2009-09-02
Text-Format-Interview-0.03 ZARQUON 2009-08-25
Outline-Lua-0.11 ALTREUS 2009-08-23
MooseX-AbstractFactory-0.3.2 PENFOLD 2009-07-21
Log-Any-Adapter-Log-Dispatch-0.02 JSWARTZ 2009-07-15
Log-Any-Adapter-Log-Log4perl-0.01 JSWARTZ 2009-07-11
DB-0.004 CNANGEL 2009-06-25
DBIx-SQLite-Deploy-0.011 RKRIMEN 2009-06-23
DBIx-Class-ResultSet-HashRef-1.002 RBO 2009-06-15
Text-Chomped-0.02 RKRIMEN 2009-06-14
Data-LUID-0.014 RKRIMEN 2009-06-13
XML-AutoWriter-0.4 PERIGRIN 2009-06-12
App-PM-Announce-0.025 RKRIMEN 2009-06-11
App-ForExample-0.024 RKRIMEN 2009-06-09
Catalyst-Action-SubDomain-0.07 EGOR 2009-06-03
Data-Pulp-0.01 RKRIMEN 2009-05-27
CatalystX-Plugin-Engine-FastCGI-Lighttpd-0.1.0 YOSHIDA 2009-05-21
Bot-IKCBot-Pluggable-0.02 HIROSE 2009-05-20
self-init-0.01 MONS 2009-05-19
Algorithm-BestChoice-0.01 RKRIMEN 2009-05-19
Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-LDAP-0.0602 KARMAN 2009-05-19
RT-Extension-DateDiscordian-0.01 FALCONE 2009-05-16
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File-0.17 MRAMBERG 2009-05-11
Parley-1.2.1 CHISEL 2009-04-30
Quiz-Flashcards-Audiobanks-Japanese_Words_Radicals-0.01b MITHALDU 2009-04-24
Quiz-Flashcards-0.04b MITHALDU 2009-04-24
Quiz-Flashcards-Sets-Hiragana-Romaji_Simple-0.04b MITHALDU 2009-04-24
Quiz-Flashcards-Sets-Kanji_Radicals-English-0.01b MITHALDU 2009-04-24
Quiz-Flashcards-Sets-Katakana-Romaji_Simple-0.01b MITHALDU 2009-04-24
Document-Stembolt-0.012 RKRIMEN 2009-04-13
TM-IP-Documents-0.03 DRRHO 2009-04-09
TM-IP-Surface-0.02 DRRHO 2009-04-09
Task-Padre-Plugin-Deps-0.12 FAYLAND 2009-04-02
DBIx-CheckConnectivity-0.02 SUNNAVY 2009-03-31
Database-CheckConnectivity-0.01 SUNNAVY 2009-03-30
Acme-Blarghy-McBlarghBlargh-0.0022 DHOSS 2009-03-16