Kwalitee Indicator: has_abstract_in_pod core

No abstract (short description of a module) is found in pod from this distribution.

How to fix

Provide a short description in the NAME section of the pod (after the module name followed by a hyphen) at least for the main module of this distribution.

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2024 105 3078 245 6684 646 10899
2023 47 2046 190 5933 503 10209
2022 56 1604 295 5495 489 9539
2021 53 1765 180 5450 273 10424
2020 90 1836 294 6346 398 12492
2019 39 1467 174 5561 533 11912
2018 25 1348 167 5574 729 14300
2017 43 1702 157 6248 531 14348
2016 32 1529 205 6176 660 17356
2015 39 1504 160 6794 596 18942

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
Sim-OPT-0.739 GLBRUNE 2024-12-19
Google-Ads-GoogleAds-Client-25.0.1 CHEVALIER 2024-12-19
AsposeSlidesCloud-SlidesApi-24.12 ASPOSE 2024-12-18
JavonetPerlSdk-v2.5.9 JAVONET 2024-12-14
Sumu-Windows-Upm4win-0.1.4 CEEJAY 2024-12-14
RT-Extension-CreateByProblemType-1.05 BPS 2024-12-14
UserPassManagerForWindows-0.0.8 CEEJAY 2024-12-14
Data-ISO8583-2.44 CADE 2024-12-11
SmsAero-3.0.0 SMSAERO 2024-12-09
Acme_-Foo-0.001 STIGTSP 2024-12-06
Eugener-0.01 EUGENER 2024-11-26
Eugenertest-0.05 EUGENER 2024-11-26
UserAgent-Any-JSON-0.05 MATHIAS 2024-11-26
UserAgent-Any-0.05 MATHIAS 2024-11-25
Eugener_test-0.02 EUGENER 2024-11-20
Eugener-test-0.01 EUGENER 2024-11-20
eugener-test-0.01 EUGENER 2024-11-20
App-CveClient-v1.1.1 LANODAN 2024-11-18
Net-Payjp-0.4.0 PAYJP 2024-11-15
App-financeta-0.15 VIKAS 2024-11-12
Lemonldap-NG-Manager-2.20.1 COUDOT 2024-11-09
Parallel-TaskExecutor-0.05 MATHIAS 2024-11-04
RT-Extension-Announce-1.05 BPS 2024-11-01
Markdown-Perl-1.08 MATHIAS 2024-10-31
List-Stream-0.0.3 RAWLEYFOW 2024-10-29
Sorter-file_by_mtime-0.002 PERLANCAR 2024-10-21
PDK-0.014 CARELINE 2024-10-13
Sumu-Perl-Modules-0.4.9 CEEJAY 2024-10-05
RT-Extension-ExcelFeed-0.11 BPS 2024-09-21
RT-Extension-TimeTracking-0.24 BPS 2024-09-20
Mojolicious-Plugin-Debugbar-v0.1.2 CRLCU 2024-09-12
App-MediaPi-0.01 MATHIAS 2024-09-05
Plack-Handler-Feersum-SS-0.05 EGOR 2024-09-04
Audio-Cuefile-Libcue-2.3.0 GREGK 2024-07-20
cpan2rpm-2.035 BBB 2024-07-07
Paws-Credential-AssumeRoleWebIdentity-1.0.0 PRAJITH 2024-07-05
Task-FASTQTools-0.03 CHRISARG 2024-06-30
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-World-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Westernasia-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Everything-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Centralasia-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Asia-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Southernasia-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Southeastasia-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Easternasia-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Africa-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Middleafrica-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Easternafrica-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Westerneurope-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29
Bundle-Locale-CLDR-Westernafrica-0.45.0-TRIAL1 JGNI 2024-06-29