Kwalitee Indicator: has_manifest core

The file "MANIFEST" is missing from this distribution. The MANIFEST lists all files included in the distribution.

How to fix

Add a MANIFEST to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it (eg "make manifest" or "./Build manifest")

Yearly Statistics

Year Fails (Latest) Releases (Latest) Fails (CPAN) Releases (CPAN) Fails (BackPAN) Releases (BackPAN)
2024 14 2673 35 5551 45 9436
2023 18 2140 49 6029 66 10209
2022 9 1644 53 5523 124 9539
2021 15 1785 35 5484 64 10424
2020 63 1862 199 6364 235 12492
2019 6 1486 48 5581 116 11912
2018 3 1357 11 5587 59 14299
2017 11 1718 52 6269 108 14348
2016 7 1521 19 6181 77 17320
2015 6 1513 32 6809 103 18938

Latest Fails

Name Released by Released on
MPGA-0.08 NNZ 2024-10-05
File-Copy-clonefile-v0.0.9 SKAJI 2024-09-23
App-RemoteCommand-0.993 SKAJI 2024-09-23
App-cpm-0.997018 SKAJI 2024-09-23
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-From-cpmfile-v0.0.6 SKAJI 2024-09-05
Doit-0.028_54 SREZIC 2024-07-21
App-PerlGzipScript-v0.0.1 SKAJI 2024-07-20
QQ-weixin-work-v0.12 YOURSELF 2024-07-03
Libssh-Session-1.1 QGARNIER 2024-06-18
perl-libssh-1.0 QGARNIER 2024-05-28
Dancer2-Plugin-WebService-4.5.0 MPOURASG 2024-05-18
WWW-Gemini-0.0.7 ANTONOV 2024-03-11
MtCmd-1.16 RATL 2024-03-02
LWP-UserAgent-msgraph-0.12 ESTRELOW 2024-02-29
GrabzItClient-3.5.6 GRABZIT 2024-02-12
Cache-MemcachedBinary-0.02 XMOLEX 2024-01-23
CPAN-Perl-Releases-MetaCPAN-0.009 SKAJI 2024-01-01
Locale-MaybeMaketext-1.233180 RBAIRWELL 2023-11-14
Doit-0.028 SREZIC 2023-11-03
Statistics-v0.0.6 SUMAN 2023-10-16
Mac-FSEvents-0.22 SKAJI 2023-10-09
TkWeather-3.40 TURNERJW 2023-09-30
CPAN-02Packages-Search-0.100 SKAJI 2023-08-05
Proc-ForkSafe-0.001 SKAJI 2023-08-04
App-ChangeShebang-0.10 SKAJI 2023-05-07
Distribution-Metadata-0.10 SKAJI 2023-05-07
App-tldr-0.21 SKAJI 2023-05-05
PAUSE-Permissions-MetaCPAN-0.100 SKAJI 2023-05-05
App-FatPacker-Simple-0.20 SKAJI 2023-05-05
Acme-No-MakefilePL-No-BuildPL-0.03 CONTRA 2023-05-04
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithoutRootdir-0.1 GARU 2023-04-28
AcmeTestingBadPackagesWithoutRootdir-0.1 GARU 2023-04-28
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithRootdir GARU 2023-04-27
app-paperback-1.42 MONACCI 2023-03-27
cve-client-1.0.2 LANODAN 2023-03-27
Parallel-Pipes-0.200 SKAJI 2023-03-18
EasySpiderTCP-1.0.1 SENGER 2023-01-10
CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-ModuleBuild-0.001 SKAJI 2023-01-01
Test-Auto-0.14 AWNCORP 2022-12-17
API-Eulerian-API-Eulerian-v0.6 MJONDET 2022-10-25
perl-app-paperback-0.33 MONACCI 2022-08-20
Mars-0.05 AWNCORP 2022-08-05
Earth-0.04 AWNCORP 2022-07-17
Apache2-ModProxyPerlHtml-4.1 DAROLD 2022-05-06
Command-Runner-0.200 SKAJI 2022-03-22
Devel-PatchPerl-Plugin-Darwin-getcwd-0.003 SKAJI 2022-03-19
Narrator_0-0-1-5 ESALEBU 2022-02-24
Narrator- ESALEBU 2022-02-23
Module-cpmfile-0.006 SKAJI 2022-02-20
Narrator (5) ESALEBU 2022-02-19