Kwalitee Issues


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • IO::Async::Notifier
  • IO::Async::Timer::Countdown
  • mro
  • parent


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Net-Async-Slack-0.015/scripts/ -- Around line 136: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Name Abstract Version View
Net::Async::Slack support for the L<> APIs with L<IO::Async> 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Commands supported API methods for L<Net::Async::Slack> 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::AccountsChanged The list of accounts a user is signed into has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::AppHomeOpened User clicked into your App Home 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::AppMention Subscribe to only the message events that mention your app or bot 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::AppRateLimited Indicates your app's event subscriptions are being rate limited 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::AppUninstalled Your Slack app was uninstalled. 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::BlockActions a block action was triggered 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::Bot 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::BotAdded 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::BotChanged 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::Channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelArchive 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelCreated A channel was created 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelDeleted A channel was deleted 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelHistoryChanged Bulk updates were made to a channel's history 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelJoined You joined a channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelLeft You left a channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelMarked Your channel read marker was updated 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelRename A channel was renamed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ChannelUnarchive A channel was unarchived 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::CommandsChanged A slash command has been added or changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::DndUpdated Do not Disturb settings changed for the current user 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::DndUpdatedUser Do not Disturb settings changed for a member 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::EmailDomainChanged The workspace email domain has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::EmojiChanged A custom emoji has been added or changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::EventCallback An event notification 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileChange A file was changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileCommentAdded A file comment was added 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileCommentDeleted A file comment was deleted 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileCommentEdited A file comment was edited 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileCreated A file was created 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileDeleted A file was deleted 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FilePublic A file was made public 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileShared A file was shared 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::FileUnshared A file was unshared 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::Goodbye The server intends to close the connection soon. 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GridMigrationFinished An enterprise grid migration has finished on this workspace. 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GridMigrationStarted An enterprise grid migration has started on this workspace. 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupArchive A private channel was archived 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupClose You closed a private channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupDeleted A private channel was deleted 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupHistoryChanged Bulk updates were made to a private channel's history 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupJoined You joined a private channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupLeft You left a private channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupMarked A private channel read marker was updated 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupOpen You created a group DM 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupRename A private channel was renamed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::GroupUnarchive A private channel was unarchived 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::Hello The client has successfully connected to the server 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ImClose You closed a DM 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ImCreated A DM was created 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ImHistoryChanged Bulk updates were made to a DM's history 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ImMarked A direct message read marker was updated 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ImOpen You opened a DM 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::LinkShared A message was posted containing one or more links relevant to your application 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ManualPresenceChange You manually updated your presence 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MemberJoinedChannel A user joined a public or private channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MemberLeftChannel A user left a public or private channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::Message 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MessageAction an action callback for a message 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MessageAppHome A user sent a message to your Slack app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MessageChannels A message was posted to a channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MessageGroups A message was posted to a private channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MessageIm A message was posted in a direct message channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::MessageMpim A message was posted in a multiparty direct message channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::PinAdded A pin was added to a channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::PinRemoved A pin was removed from a channel 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::PrefChange You have updated your preferences 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::PresenceChange 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::PresenceQuery Determine the current presence status for a list of users 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::PresenceSub Subscribe to presence events for the specified users 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ReactionAdded A member has added an emoji reaction to an item 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ReactionRemoved A member removed an emoji reaction 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ReconnectURL Experimental 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ResourcesAdded Access to a set of resources was granted for your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ResourcesRemoved Access to a set of resources was removed for your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ScopeDenied OAuth scopes were denied to your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ScopeGranted OAuth scopes were granted to your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::Shortcut User selected a shortcut 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::SlashCommands /commands 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::StarAdded A member has starred an item 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::StarRemoved A member removed a star 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::SubteamCreated A User Group has been added to the workspace 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::SubteamMembersChanged The membership of an existing User Group has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::SubteamSelfAdded You have been added to a User Group 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::SubteamSelfRemoved You have been removed from a User Group 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::SubteamUpdated An existing User Group has been updated or its members changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamDomainChange The workspace domain has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamJoin A new member has joined 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamMigrationStarted The workspace is being migrated between servers 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamPlanChange The account billing plan has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamPrefChange A preference has been updated 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamProfileChange The workspace profile fields have been updated 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamProfileDelete The workspace profile fields have been deleted 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamProfileReorder The workspace profile fields have been reordered 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TeamRename The workspace name has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::TokensRevoked API tokens for your app were revoked. 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::URLVerification Verifies ownership of an Events API Request URL 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::UserChange A member's data has changed 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::UserResourceDenied User resource was denied to your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::UserResourceGranted User resource was granted to your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::UserResourceRemoved User resource was removed from your app 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::UserTyping A channel member is typing a message 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::ViewSubmission View submitted 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Event::WorkflowStepEdit app added as a workflow step 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::EventType 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Message 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::RTM realtime messaging support for L<> 0.015 metacpan
Net::Async::Slack::Socket socket-mode notifications for L<> 0.015 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan