UR 0.47 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: UR::Object::Command::List::Style
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- Module::Build
- TAP::Formatter::Console
- TAP::Harness
- TAP::Parser
- TAP::Parser::Aggregator
- TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process
- TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory
- TAP::Parser::Multiplexer
- TAP::Parser::Scheduler
- parent
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: UR::BoolExpr::BxParser, UR::Object::Command::List::Style
- test_prereq_matches_use
List all modules used in the test suite in META.yml test_requires
- Test::Builder::Module
- consistent_version
Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).
Error: 0.03,0.47,1.05
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Command | base class for modules implementing the command pattern | 0.47 | metacpan |
Command::Common | metacpan | ||
Command::DynamicSubCommands | auto-generate sub-commands based on other classes | metacpan | |
Command::Shell | metacpan | ||
Command::SubCommandFactory | metacpan | ||
Command::Test | metacpan | ||
Command::Test::Echo | metacpan | ||
Command::Test::Tree1 | metacpan | ||
Command::Test::Tree1::Echo1 | metacpan | ||
Command::Test::Tree1::Echo2 | metacpan | ||
Command::Tree | 0.47 | metacpan | |
Command::V1 | 0.47 | metacpan | |
Command::V2 | 0.47 | metacpan | |
Devel::callsfrom | metacpan | ||
My::TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process::LSF | metacpan | ||
My::TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory::LSF | metacpan | ||
My::TAP::Parser::Multiplexer | metacpan | ||
My::TAP::Parser::Scheduler | metacpan | ||
My::TAP::Parser::Timer | metacpan | ||
UR | rich declarative transactional objects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::All | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::AttributeHandlers | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::BoolExpr | a "where clause" for objects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::BxParser | metacpan | ||
UR::BoolExpr::BxParser::Yapp::Driver | 1.05 | metacpan | |
UR::BoolExpr::Template | a UR::BoolExpr minus specific values | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::And | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::Composite | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::Or | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison | implements logic for rules with a logic_type of "PropertyComparison" | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::Between | perform a 'between' test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::Equals | perform a strictly equals test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::False | evaluates to true if the property's value is false | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::GreaterOrEqual | perform a greater than or equal test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::GreaterThan | perform a greater than test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::In | perform an In test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::Isa | Test whether a value is-a subclass of another class | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::LessOrEqual | perform a less than or equal test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::LessThan | perform a less than test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::Like | perform an SQL-ish like test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::Matches | perform a Perl regular expression match | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::NotBetween | perform a 'not between' test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::NotEquals | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::NotIn | perform a negated In comparison | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::NotLike | perform a negated SQL-ish like test | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Template::PropertyComparison::True | Evaluates to true if the property's value is true | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Util | non-OO module to collect utility functions used by the BoolExpr modules | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::BoolExpr::Util::clonedThing | metacpan | ||
UR::Change | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Context | Manage the current state of the application | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Context::AutoUnloadPool | Automatically unload objects when scope ends | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Context::DefaultRoot | The base context used when no special base context is specified | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Context::LoadingIterator | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Context::ObjectFabricator | Track closures used to fabricate objects from data sources | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Context::Process | Implements a generic interface to the current application. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Context::Root | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Context::Transaction | API for software transactions | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DBI | methods for interacting with a database. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DBI::Report | a database report interface | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DBI::db | metacpan | ||
UR::DBI::st | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource | manage the the relationship between objects and a specific storage system | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::CSV | Parent class for data sources using DBD::CSV | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::Code | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::DataSource::Default | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::DataSource::File | Parent class for file-based data sources | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::FileMux | Parent class for datasources which can multiplex many files together | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::Filesystem | Get and save objects to delimited text files | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::Meta | Data source for the MetaDB | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::MySQL | MySQL specific subclass of UR::DataSource::RDBMS | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::Oracle | Oracle specific subclass of UR::DataSource::RDBMS | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::Pg | PostgreSQL specific subclass of UR::DataSource::RDBMS | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::Pg::Operator::False | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::Pg::Operator::True | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::QueryPlan | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS | Abstract base class for RDBMS-type data sources | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::BitmapIndex | metadata about a data source's bitmap indexes | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Entity | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::FkConstraint | metadata about a data source's foreign keys | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::FkConstraintColumn | metadata about a data source's foreign keys | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::Between | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::Equals | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::False | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::GreaterOrEqual | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::GreaterThan | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::In | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::LessOrEqual | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::LessThan | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::Like | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::NotBetween | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::NotEquals | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::NotIn | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::NotLike | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Operator::True | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::PkConstraintColumn | metadata about a data source's primary keys | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Table | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::Table::View::Default::Text | View class for RDBMS table objects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::TableColumn | metadata about a data source's table's columns | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::TableColumn::View::Default::Text | View class for RDBMS column objects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMS::UniqueConstraintColumn | metadata about a data source's unique constraints | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::RDBMSRetriableOperations | metacpan | ||
UR::DataSource::SQLite | base class for datasources using the SQLite3 RDBMS | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DataSource::ValueDomain | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Debug | Controls for debugging behavior | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::DeletedRef | Represents an instance of a no-longer-existent object | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Doc::Pod2Html | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Doc::Section | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Doc::Writer | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Doc::Writer::Html | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Doc::Writer::Pod | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_COMMAND_DUMP_DEBUG_MESSAGES | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_COMMAND_DUMP_STATUS_MESSAGES | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_CONTEXT_BASE | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_CONTEXT_CACHE_SIZE_HIGHWATER | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_CONTEXT_CACHE_SIZE_LOWWATER | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_CONTEXT_LIBS | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_CONTEXT_MONITOR_QUERY | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_CONTEXT_ROOT | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_DUMP_STACK_ON_CONNECT | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_EXPLAIN_SQL_CALLSTACK | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_EXPLAIN_SQL_IF | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_EXPLAIN_SQL_MATCH | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_EXPLAIN_SQL_SLOW | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_MONITOR_DML | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_MONITOR_EVERY_FETCH | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_NO_COMMIT | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DBI_SUMMARIZE_SQL | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DEBUG_OBJECT_PRUNING | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DEBUG_OBJECT_RELEASE | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DUMP_DEBUG_MESSAGES | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_DUMP_STATUS_MESSAGES | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_IGNORE | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_NO_REQUIRE_USER_VERIFY | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_NR_CPU | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_RUN_LONG_TESTS | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_STACK_DUMP_ON_DIE | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_STACK_DUMP_ON_WARN | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_TEST_QUIET | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_USED_MODS | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_USE_ANY | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Env::UR_USE_DUMMY_AUTOGENERATED_IDS | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Exit | methods to allow clean application exits. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Iterator | API for iterating through data | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::ModuleBase | Methods common to all UR classes and object instances. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::ModuleBase::Message | metacpan | ||
UR::ModuleBuild | a Module::Build subclass with UR extensions | metacpan | |
UR::ModuleConfig | manage dynamic configuration of modules. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::ModuleLoader | UR hooks into Class::Autouse | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Namespace | Manage collections of packages and classes | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Namespace::Command | Top-level Command module for the UR namespace commands | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Namespace::Command::Base | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Class | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::File | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::Mysql | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::Oracle | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::Pg | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::Rdbms | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::RdbmsWithAuth | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Datasource::Sqlite | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Db | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Define::Namespace | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Init | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::List | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::List::Classes | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::List::Modules | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::List::Objects | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Old | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Old::DiffRewrite | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Old::DiffUpdate | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Old::ExportDbicClasses | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Old::Info | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Old::Redescribe | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::RunsOnModulesInTree | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Show | metacpan | ||
UR::Namespace::Command::Show::Properties | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Show::Schema | metacpan | ||
UR::Namespace::Command::Show::Subclasses | metacpan | ||
UR::Namespace::Command::Sys | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Sys::ClassBrowser | WebApp for browsing the class structure | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Namespace::Command::Sys::ClassBrowser::TreeItem | metacpan | ||
UR::Namespace::Command::Test | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Callcount | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Callcount::List | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Compile | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Eval | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Run | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::TrackObjectRelease | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Use | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Window | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Window::Tk | metacpan | ||
UR::Namespace::Command::Update | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::ClassDiagram | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::ClassesFromDb | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::Doc | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::Pod | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::RenameClass | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::RewriteClassHeader | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::SchemaDiagram | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Namespace::Command::Update::TabCompletionSpec | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object | transactional, queryable, process-independent entities | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Accessorized | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Command::FetchAndDo | Base class for fetching objects and then performing a function on/with them. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Command::List | Fetches and lists objects in different styles. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Command::List::Csv | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Command::List::Html | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Command::List::Newtext | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Command::List::Pretty | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Command::List::Style | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Command::List::Text | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Command::List::Tsv | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Command::List::Xml | metacpan | ||
UR::Object::Ghost | Abstract class for representing deleted objects not yet committed | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Index | Indexing system for retrieving objects by non-id properties | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Iterator | API for iterating through objects matching a rule | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Join | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Property | Class representing metadata about a class property | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Property::View::Default::Text | View class for UR::Object::Property | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Property::View::DescriptionLineItem::Text | View class for UR::Object::Property | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Property::View::ReferenceDescription::Text | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Set | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Set::View::Default::Html | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Set::View::Default::Json | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Set::View::Default::Text | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Set::View::Default::Xml | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Tag | Transitory attribute tags for a UR::Object at a given time. | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Type | a meta-class for any class or primitive type | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Type::AccessorWriter | Helper module for UR::Object::Type responsible for creating accessors for properties | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Type::AccessorWriter::Product | Implements a calculation accessor which multiplies the values of its properties | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Type::AccessorWriter::Sum | Implements a calculation accessor which sums the values of its properties | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Type::Initializer | Class definition syntax | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Type::ModuleWriter | Helper module for UR::Object::Type responsible for writing Perl modules | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Type::View::AvailableViews::Json | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Type::View::AvailableViews::Xml | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::Type::View::Default::Text | View class for class metaobjects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Type::View::Default::Xml | View class for class metaobjects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::Value | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::View | a base class for "views" of UR::Objects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Aspect | a specification for one aspect of a view | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Default::Gtk | Gtk adaptor for object views | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Default::Gtk2 | Gtk2 adaptor for object views | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Default::Html | represent object state in HTML format | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Default::Json | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::View::Default::Text | object views in text format | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Default::Xml | represent object state in XML format | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Default::Xsl | base class for views which use XSL on an XML view to generate content | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Lister::Text | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::View::Static::Html | represent object state in HTML format | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Object::View::Toolkit | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Object::View::Toolkit::Text | Declaration of Text as a View toolkit type | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Observer | bind callbacks to object changes | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Role | Roles in UR, an alternative to inheritance | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Role::Instance | Represents a role composed with a class with a set of params | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Role::MethodModifier | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Role::MethodModifier::After | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Role::MethodModifier::Around | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Role::MethodModifier::Before | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Role::Param | Role parameters as package variables | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Role::Prototype | Implementation for defining and composing roles | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Role::PrototypeWithParams | Binds a set of params to a role | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Service::JsonRpcServer | A self-contained JSON-RPC server for UR namespaces | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Service::RPC::Executer | Base class for modules implementing RPC executers | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Service::RPC::Message | Serializable object appropriate for sending RPC messages | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Service::RPC::Server | Class for implementing RPC servers | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Service::RPC::TcpConnectionListener | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Service::UrlRouter | PSGI-aware router for incoming requests | metacpan | |
UR::Service::WebServer | A PSGI-based web server | metacpan | |
UR::Service::WebServer::Server | metacpan | ||
UR::Singleton | Abstract class for implementing singleton objects | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Util | Collection of utility subroutines and methods | 0.47 | metacpan |
UR::Util::ArrayRefIterator | metacpan | ||
UR::Value | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::ARRAY | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Blob | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Boolean | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Boolean::View::Default::Text | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::CODE | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::CSV | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::DateTime | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Decimal | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::DirectoryPath | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::FOF | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::FilePath | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::FilesystemPath | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Float | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::GLOB | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::HASH | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Integer | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Iterator | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::JSON | metacpan | ||
UR::Value::Number | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::PerlReference | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::REF | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::SCALAR | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Set | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::SloppyPrimitive | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::String | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Text | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Timestamp | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::Type | metacpan | ||
UR::Value::URL | 0.47 | metacpan | |
UR::Value::View::Default::Html | metacpan | ||
UR::Value::View::Default::Json | metacpan | ||
UR::Value::View::Default::Text | metacpan | ||
UR::Value::View::Default::Xml | metacpan | ||
UR::Vocabulary | 0.47 | metacpan | |
above | auto "use lib" when a module is in the tree of the PWD | 0.03 | metacpan |