Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See


Name Abstract Version View
Neo4j::Driver Neo4j community graph database driver for Bolt and HTTP 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Events 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Net::Bolt 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP HTTP network adapter for libwww-perl 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Plugin Plug-in interface for Neo4j::Driver 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Record Container for Cypher result values 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Result Result of running a Cypher query (a stream of records) 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Result::Bolt 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Result::JSON 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Result::Jolt 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Result::Text 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::ResultSummary Details about the result of running a query 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::ServerInfo Provides Neo4j server address and version 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Session Context of work for database interactions 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::SummaryCounters Query statistics 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Transaction Logical container for an atomic unit of work 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::Bytes 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::DateTime 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::Duration 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::Node 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::Path 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::Point 1.01 metacpan
Neo4j::Driver::Type::Relationship 1.01 metacpan
URI::neo4j 1.01 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan