Test-Simple 1.302207
Kwalitee Issues
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: Test2::Manual::Contributing, Test2::Manual::Tooling::FirstTool, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Formatter, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestExit, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestingDone, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolCompletes, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolStarts, Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder, Test::use::ok
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- mro
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Test2::Manual::Contributing, Test2::Manual::Tooling::FirstTool, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Formatter, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestExit, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestingDone, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolCompletes, Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolStarts, Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder, Test::Builder::Module, Test::Builder::Tester, Test::Builder::Tester::Color, Test::Simple, Test::Tester, Test::Tester::Capture, Test::Tester::CaptureRunner, Test::use::ok, ok
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
- has_security_doc
Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.
- security_doc_contains_contact
Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.
- has_contributing_doc
Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Test2 | Framework for writing test tools that all work together. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API | Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::Breakage | What breaks at what version | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::Context | Object to represent a testing context. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::Instance | Object used by Test2::API under the hood | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::InterceptResult | Representation of a list of events. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event | Representation of an event for use in testing other test tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Facet | 1.302207 | metacpan | |
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub | Hub used by InterceptResult. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher | Encapsulation of the algorithm that squashes diags into assertions. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::API::Stack | Object to manage a stack of L<Test2::Hub> instances. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::AsyncSubtest | Object representing an async subtest. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Attach | Event to attach a subtest to the parent. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Detach | Event to detach a subtest from the parent. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Formatter | 1.302207 | metacpan | |
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Hub | Hub used by async subtests. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Bundle | Documentation for bundles. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Bundle::Extended | Old name for Test2::V0 | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Bundle::More | ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::More. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Bundle::Simple | ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::Simple. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare | Test2 extension for writing deep comparison tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Array | Internal representation of an array comparison. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Bag | Internal representation of a bag comparison. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Base | Base class for comparison classes. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Bool | Compare two values as booleans | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Custom | Custom field check for comparisons. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::DeepRef | Ref comparison | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Delta | Representation of differences between nested data structures. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Event | Event specific Object subclass. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::EventMeta | Meta class for events in deep comparisons | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Float | Compare two values as numbers with tolerance. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Hash | Representation of a hash in a deep comparison. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Isa | Check if the value is an instance of the class. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Meta | Check library for meta-checks | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Negatable | Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that can be negated. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Number | Compare two values as numbers | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Object | Representation of an object during deep comparison. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::OrderedSubset | Internal representation of an ordered subset. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Pattern | Use a pattern to validate values in a deep comparison. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Ref | Ref comparison | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Regex | Regex direct comparison | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Scalar | Representation of a Scalar Ref in deep comparisons | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Set | Allows a field to be matched against a set of checks. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::String | Compare two values as strings | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Undef | Check that something is undefined | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Compare::Wildcard | Placeholder check. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Env | Documentation for environment variables used or set by Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event | Base class for events | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Bail | Bailout! | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Diag | Diag event type | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Encoding | Set the encoding for the output stream | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Exception | Exception event | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Fail | Event for a simple failed assertion | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Generic | Generic event type. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Note | Note event type | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Ok | Ok event type | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Pass | Event for a simple passing assertion | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Plan | The event of a plan | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Skip | Skip event type | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Subtest | Event for subtest types | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::TAP::Version | Event for TAP version. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::V2 | Second generation event. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Event::Waiting | Tell all procs/threads it is time to be done | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet | Base class for all event facets. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::About | Facet with event details. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty | Facet for assertion amnesty. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Assert | Facet representing an assertion. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Control | Facet for hub actions and behaviors. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Error | Facet for errors that need to be shown. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Hub | Facet for the hubs an event passes through. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Info | Facet for information a developer might care about. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Info::Table | Intermediary representation of a table. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Meta | Facet for meta-data | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Parent | Facet for events contains other events | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Plan | Facet for setting the plan | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Render | Facet that dictates how to render an event. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::EventFacet::Trace | Debug information for events | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Formatter | Namespace for formatters. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Formatter::TAP | Standard TAP formatter | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Hub | The conduit through which all events flow. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Hub::Interceptor | Hub used by interceptor to grab results. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator | Exception class used by Test2::Hub::Interceptor | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Hub::Subtest | Hub used by subtests | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::IPC | Turn on IPC for threading or forking support. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::IPC::Driver | Base class for Test2 IPC drivers. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files | Temp dir + Files concurrency model. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual | Documentation hub for Test2 and Test2-Suite. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy | The hub for documentation of the inner workings of Test2 components. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::API | Internals documentation for the API. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Context | Internals documentation for the Context objects. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::EndToEnd | Overview of Test2 from load to finish. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Event | The internals of events | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Hubs | Internals documentation for the hub stack, and hubs. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::IPC | Manual for the IPC system. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Utilities | Overview of utilities for Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Concurrency | Documentation for Concurrency support. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Contributing | How to contribute to the Test2 project. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Testing | Hub for documentation about writing tests with Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Testing::Introduction | Introduction to testing with Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Testing::Migrating | How to migrate existing tests from Test::More to Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Testing::Planning | The many ways to set a plan. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Testing::Todo | Tutorial for marking tests as TODO. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling | Manual page for tool authors. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::FirstTool | Write your first tool with Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Formatter | How to write a custom formatter, in our case a JSONL formatter. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Nesting | Tutorial for using other tools within your own. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestExit | How to safely add pre-exit behaviors. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestingDone | Run code when the test file is finished, or when done_testing is called. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolCompletes | How to add behaviors that occur when a tool completes work. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolStarts | How to add behaviors that occur when a tool starts work. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Subtest | How to implement a tool that makes use of subtests. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder | This section maps Test::Builder methods to Test2 concepts. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Testing | Tutorial on how to test your testing tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Mock | Module for managing mocked classes and instances. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin | Documentation for plugins | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail | Automatically bail out of testing on the first test failure. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin::DieOnFail | Automatically die on the first test failure. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin::ExitSummary | Add extra diagnostics on failure at the end of the test. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin::SRand | Control the random seed for more controlled test environments. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin::Times | Output timing data at the end of the test. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Plugin::UTF8 | Test2 plugin to test with utf8. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require | Base class and documentation for skip-unless type test packages. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::AuthorTesting | Only run a test when the AUTHOR_TESTING environment variable is set. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::AutomatedTesting | Only run a test when the AUTOMATED_TESTING environment variable is set. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::EnvVar | Only run a test when a specific environment variable is set. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::ExtendedTesting | Only run a test when the EXTENDED_TESTING environment variable is set. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::Fork | Skip a test file unless the system supports forking | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::Module | Skip tests if certain packages are not installed, or insufficient versions. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::NonInteractiveTesting | Only run a test when the NONINTERACTIVE_TESTING environment variable is set. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::Perl | Skip the test unless the necessary version of Perl is installed. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::RealFork | Skip a test file unless the system supports true forking | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::ReleaseTesting | Only run a test when the RELEASE_TESTING environment variable is set. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Require::Threads | Skip a test file unless the system supports threading | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Suite | Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Todo | TODO extension for Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools | Documentation for Tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::AsyncSubtest | Tools for writing async subtests. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Basic | Test2 implementation of the basic testing tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Class | Test2 implementation of the tools for testing classes. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare | Classic (Test::More style) comparison tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Compare | Tools for comparing deep data structures. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Defer | Write tests that get executed at a later time | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Encoding | Tools for managing the encoding of L<Test2> based tests. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Event | Tools for generating test events. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Exception | Test2 based tools for checking exceptions | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Exports | Tools for validating exporters. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::GenTemp | Tool for generating a populated temp directory. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Grab | Temporarily intercept all events without adding a scope level. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Mock | Class/Instance mocking for Test2. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Ref | Tools for validating references. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Refcount | assert reference counts on objects | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Spec | RSPEC implementation on top of Test2::Workflow | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Subtest | Tools for writing subtests | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Target | Alias the testing target package. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Tester | Tools to help you test other testing tools. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Tiny | Tiny set of tools for unfortunate souls who cannot use L<Test2::Suite>. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Tools::Warnings | Tools to verify warnings. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util | Tools used by Test2 and friends. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::ExternalMeta | Allow third party tools to safely attach meta-data to your instances. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy | Convert facet data to the legacy event API. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Grabber | Object used to temporarily intercept all events. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Guard | Inline copy of L<Scope::Guard> | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::HashBase | Build hash based classes. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Importer | Inline copy of L<Importer>. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Ref | Tools for inspecting or manipulating references. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Stash | Utilities for manipulating stashes and globs. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Sub | Tools for inspecting and manipulating subs. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Table | Format a header and rows into a table | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Table::Cell | 1.302207 | metacpan | |
Test2::Util::Table::LineBreak | Break up lines for use in tables. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Term | 1.302207 | metacpan | |
Test2::Util::Times | Format timing/benchmark information. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Util::Trace | Legacy wrapper fro L<Test2::EventFacet::Trace>. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::V0 | 0Th edition of the Test2 recommended bundle. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow | A test workflow is a way of structuring tests using composable units. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow::BlockBase | Base class for all workflow blocks. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow::Build | Represents a build in progress. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow::Runner | Runs the workflows. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow::Task | Encapsulation of a Task | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow::Task::Action | Encapsulation of an action. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test2::Workflow::Task::Group | Encapsulation of a group (describe). | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Builder | Backend for building test libraries | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Builder::Formatter | Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Formatter::TAP | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Builder::Module | Base class for test modules | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Builder::Tester | test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Builder::Tester::Color | turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Builder::TodoDiag | Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Event::Diag | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::More | yet another framework for writing test scripts | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Simple | Basic utilities for writing tests. | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Tester | Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Tester::Capture | Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Tester::CaptureRunner | Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Test::Tester::Delegate | 1.302207 | metacpan | |
Test::use::ok | Alternative to Test::More::use_ok | 1.302207 | metacpan |
ok | Alternative to Test::More::use_ok | 1.302207 | metacpan |
Name | File | View |
Test::Builder::Tester::Tie | lib/Test/Builder/Tester.pm | metacpan |