Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kwalitee Issues


Add a section called "LICENSE" to the documentation, or add a file named LICENSE to the distribution.


Add =head1 LICENSE and the text of the license to the main module in your code.


Run a proper command ("make manifest" or "./Build manifest", maybe with a force option), or use a distribution builder to generate the MANIFEST. Or update MANIFEST manually.


  • MANIFEST (725) does not match dist (723):
  • Missing in Dist: README.v2
  • Duplicates in MANIFEST: Embperl/Form/Control/table.pm


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Embperl::Constant, Embperl::Form::Validate::EMail, Embperl::Form::Validate::EMailRFC, Embperl::Form::Validate::FQDN_IPAddr, Embperl::Form::Validate::FQDN_IPv4_IPv6Addr, Embperl::Form::Validate::IP6Addr_Mask, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPAddr, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPAddr_Mask, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPv6Addr, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPv6Addr_Mask, Embperl::Form::Validate::Integer, Embperl::Form::Validate::Number, Embperl::Form::Validate::PosInteger, Embperl::Form::Validate::Select, Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeHHMM, Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeHHMMSS, Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeValue, Embperl::Log, Embperl::Out, Embperl::Run, Embperl::Syntax::Embperl, Embperl::Syntax::Test2


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Embperl-3.0.1/Config.pod -- Around line 3: Cannot have multiple =encoding directives Invalid =encoding syntax: iso8859-1 Embperl-3.0.1/Embperl/Form/Control.pm -- Around line 735: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '=h�ad2'. Assuming UTF-8


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add tests or move tests.pl to the t/ directory!


Use the prompt() method from ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Module::Build.


Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.


Add =head1 LICENSE and/or the proper text of the well-known license to the main module in your code.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Embperl, Embperl::App, Embperl::Constant, Embperl::Form, Embperl::Form::Control, Embperl::Form::Control::addremove, Embperl::Form::Control::age, Embperl::Form::Control::blank, Embperl::Form::Control::button, Embperl::Form::Control::checkbox, Embperl::Form::Control::checkboxes, Embperl::Form::Control::datetime, Embperl::Form::Control::display, Embperl::Form::Control::displaylink, Embperl::Form::Control::dump, Embperl::Form::Control::duration, Embperl::Form::Control::file, Embperl::Form::Control::grid, Embperl::Form::Control::hidden, Embperl::Form::Control::info, Embperl::Form::Control::input, Embperl::Form::Control::inputjoin, Embperl::Form::Control::inputlist, Embperl::Form::Control::label, Embperl::Form::Control::line, Embperl::Form::Control::mult, Embperl::Form::Control::number, Embperl::Form::Control::password, Embperl::Form::Control::price, Embperl::Form::Control::radio, Embperl::Form::Control::scriptcode, Embperl::Form::Control::select, Embperl::Form::Control::selectdyn, Embperl::Form::Control::show, Embperl::Form::Control::submit, Embperl::Form::Control::table, Embperl::Form::Control::tabs, Embperl::Form::Control::textarea, Embperl::Form::Control::tinymce, Embperl::Form::Control::transparent, Embperl::Form::ControlMultValue, Embperl::Form::DataSource, Embperl::Form::Validate, Embperl::Form::Validate::Default, Embperl::Form::Validate::EMail, Embperl::Form::Validate::EMailRFC, Embperl::Form::Validate::FQDN_IPAddr, Embperl::Form::Validate::FQDN_IPv4_IPv6Addr, Embperl::Form::Validate::IP6Addr_Mask, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPAddr, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPAddr_Mask, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPv6Addr, Embperl::Form::Validate::IPv6Addr_Mask, Embperl::Form::Validate::Integer, Embperl::Form::Validate::Number, Embperl::Form::Validate::PosInteger, Embperl::Form::Validate::Select, Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeHHMM, Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeHHMMSS, Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeValue, Embperl::Inline, Embperl::Log, Embperl::Mail, Embperl::Object, Embperl::Out, Embperl::ParseSource, Embperl::Recipe, Embperl::Recipe::Embperl, Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlLibXSLT, Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlPODXSLT, Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlXSLT, Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlXalanXSLT, Embperl::Recipe::LibXSLT, Embperl::Recipe::XSLT, Embperl::Recipe::XalanXSLT, Embperl::Run, Embperl::Syntax, Embperl::Syntax::ASP, Embperl::Syntax::Embperl, Embperl::Syntax::EmbperlBlocks, Embperl::Syntax::EmbperlHTML, Embperl::Syntax::HTML, Embperl::Syntax::Mail, Embperl::Syntax::MsgIdExtract, Embperl::Syntax::POD, Embperl::Syntax::Perl, Embperl::Syntax::RTF, Embperl::Syntax::SSI, Embperl::Syntax::Test, Embperl::Syntax::Test2, Embperl::Syntax::Text, Embperl::Util, HTML::Embperl::Session


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md). See Software::Security::Policy.


Add SECURITY(.pod|md) and add a contact address. See Software::Security::Policy.


Add CONTRIBUTING(.pod|md). See https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors.


Name Abstract Version View
Embperl Building dynamic Websites with Perl 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::App Embperl base class for application objects metacpan
Embperl::Constant metacpan
Embperl::Form Embperl Form class metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control Base class for controls inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::addremove A control to add and remove items from two select boxes inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::age A age input control with optional unit inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::blank A info area inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::button metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::checkbox A checkbox control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::checkboxes A multiple checkbox control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::datetime metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::display A text display control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::displaylink A control to display links inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::dump A debug control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::duration metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::file A file upload input control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::grid A grid control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::hidden A hidden form field control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::info metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::input A text input control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::inputjoin A number of text input controls inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::inputlist metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::label A label area inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::line A horizontal line an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::mult metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::number A numeric input control with optional unit inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::password A password input control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::price A price input control with optional unit inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::radio A radio control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::scriptcode A control to add script code to an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::select A select control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::selectdyn A dynamic select control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::show A text display control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::submit A submit button inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::table A table which get data from array of arrays or array of hashs metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::tabs A tab control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::textarea A textarea input control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::tinymce A tinymce input control inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::Control::transparent A transparent area inside an Embperl Form metacpan
Embperl::Form::ControlMultValue Base class for controls inside an Embperl Form which have multiple values to select from, like a select box or radio buttons. metacpan
Embperl::Form::DataSource Base class for data source objects which provides the data for ControlMutlValue objects. metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate Form validation with server- and client-side support. 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::Default 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::EMail metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::EMailRFC metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::FQDN_IPAddr metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::FQDN_IPv4_IPv6Addr metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::IP6Addr_Mask metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::IPAddr metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::IPAddr_Mask metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::IPv6Addr metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::IPv6Addr_Mask metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::Integer metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::Number 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::PosInteger metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::Select metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeHHMM metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeHHMMSS metacpan
Embperl::Form::Validate::TimeValue metacpan
Embperl::Inline Inline Embperl code in Perl modules metacpan
Embperl::Log metacpan
Embperl::Mail Sends results from Embperl via E-Mail 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::Object Extents Embperl for building whole website with reusable components and objects 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::Out metacpan
Embperl::ParseSource 3.000001 metacpan
Embperl::Recipe base class for defining custom recipes metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::Embperl the default Embperl recipe metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlLibXSLT metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlPODXSLT metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlXSLT recipe to perform an XSLT transformation last metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlXalanXSLT metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::LibXSLT metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::XSLT recipe for performing an XSLT transformation metacpan
Embperl::Recipe::XalanXSLT metacpan
Embperl::Run metacpan
Embperl::Syntax base class for defining custom syntaxes metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::ASP ASP syntax module for Embperl metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::Embperl Embperl syntax module for Embperl. metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::EmbperlBlocks syntax for Embperl Blocks and metacommands metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::EmbperlHTML syntax for HTML tags that Embperl processes metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::HTML define the syntax for HTML metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::Mail tag library for sending mail metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::MsgIdExtract define syntax for i18n using Embperl blocks metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::POD convert POD to XML on-the-fly metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::Perl define Perl syntax for Embperl metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::RTF define syntax for RTF files metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::SSI define SSI syntax for Embperl metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::Test metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::Test2 metacpan
Embperl::Syntax::Text define text syntax for Embperl metacpan
Embperl::Util metacpan
Embperl::WrapXS 3.000001 metacpan
HTML::Embperl::Session adaptation of Apache::Session to work with HTML::Embperl 3.000001 metacpan


Name File View
Apache::Embperl Embperl.pm metacpan
Embperl::Req Embperl.pm metacpan
HTML::Embperl Embperl.pm metacpan
XML::Embperl Embperl.pm metacpan
chdir2src test/html/chdir/chdir2src.pm metacpan
subimp test/html/subimp.pm metacpan

Other Files

Changes.pod metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
xs/Embperl/App/Config/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/App/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Component/Config/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Component/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Component/Output/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Component/Param/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Req/Config/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Req/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Req/Param/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Syntax/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Embperl/Thread/Makefile.PL metacpan
xs/Makefile.PL metacpan