Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: SPVM::BlessedObject, SPVM::BlessedObject::Array, SPVM::BlessedObject::Package, SPVM::Byte, SPVM::ByteList, SPVM::Cloner, SPVM::Comparator, SPVM::Complex_2d, SPVM::Complex_2f, SPVM::Double, SPVM::DoubleList, SPVM::EqualityChecker, SPVM::EqualityChecker::Address, SPVM::Float, SPVM::FloatList, SPVM::Hash::Entry, SPVM::IO::File, SPVM::IO::FileHandle, SPVM::IO::Stderr, SPVM::IO::Stdin, SPVM::IO::Stdout, SPVM::Int, SPVM::IntList, SPVM::JSON, SPVM::JSON::Bool, SPVM::Long, SPVM::LongList, SPVM::MIME::Base64, SPVM::Math, SPVM::ObjectList, SPVM::Point, SPVM::Regex, SPVM::Regex::Pattern, SPVM::Regex::Replacer, SPVM::Short, SPVM::ShortList, SPVM::Sort, SPVM::StringBuffer, SPVM::StringList, SPVM::Stringer, SPVM::Time, SPVM::Time::Info, SPVM::Unicode, SPVM::Unistd, SPVM::Util


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: SPVM-0.0444/lib/SPVM/ -- Around line 16: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '"あいうえお";'. Assuming UTF-8 SPVM-0.0444/lib/SPVM/ -- Around line 494: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '('0'~'9'),'. Assuming UTF-8


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: SPVM::BlessedObject, SPVM::BlessedObject::Array, SPVM::BlessedObject::Package, SPVM::Byte, SPVM::ByteList, SPVM::Cloner, SPVM::Comparator, SPVM::Complex_2d, SPVM::Complex_2f, SPVM::Double, SPVM::DoubleList, SPVM::EqualityChecker, SPVM::EqualityChecker::Address, SPVM::Float, SPVM::FloatList, SPVM::Hash::Entry, SPVM::IO::File, SPVM::IO::FileHandle, SPVM::IO::Stderr, SPVM::IO::Stdin, SPVM::IO::Stdout, SPVM::Int, SPVM::IntList, SPVM::JSON, SPVM::JSON::Bool, SPVM::Long, SPVM::LongList, SPVM::MIME::Base64, SPVM::Math, SPVM::ObjectList, SPVM::Point, SPVM::Regex, SPVM::Regex::Pattern, SPVM::Regex::Replacer, SPVM::Short, SPVM::ShortList, SPVM::Sort, SPVM::StringBuffer, SPVM::StringList, SPVM::Stringer, SPVM::Time, SPVM::Time::Info, SPVM::Unicode, SPVM::Unistd, SPVM::Util


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
SPVM Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast calculation & Easy C/C++ Binding 0.0444 metacpan
SPVM::BlessedObject Blessed object base class metacpan
SPVM::BlessedObject::Array Array based blessed object metacpan
SPVM::BlessedObject::Package Package based blessed object metacpan
SPVM::Builder metacpan
SPVM::Builder::CC metacpan
SPVM::Builder::Config build config metacpan
SPVM::Builder::Exe metacpan
SPVM::Builder::Util Build Utilities metacpan
SPVM::Byte Byte object metacpan
SPVM::ByteList Continuous dynamic byte array metacpan
SPVM::Cloner a callback type to clone a object metacpan
SPVM::Comparator a callback type for comparation metacpan
SPVM::Complex_2d double complex multiple numeric type metacpan
SPVM::Complex_2f float complex multiple numeric type metacpan
SPVM::Double Double object metacpan
SPVM::DoubleList Continuous dynamic double array metacpan
SPVM::EqualityChecker a callback type to check the equality metacpan
SPVM::EqualityChecker::Address a equality checker to check the equality of adresses of two object. metacpan
SPVM::ExchangeAPI SPVM Exchange API metacpan
SPVM::Float Float object metacpan
SPVM::FloatList Continuous dynamic float array metacpan
SPVM::Hash::Entry Hash entry metacpan
SPVM::IO::File File handle metacpan
SPVM::IO::FileHandle File handle metacpan
SPVM::Int Int object metacpan
SPVM::IntList Continuous dynamic int array metacpan
SPVM::JSON JSON serializing/deserializing metacpan
SPVM::JSON::Bool JSON Bool metacpan
SPVM::Long Long object metacpan
SPVM::LongList Continuous dynamic long array metacpan
SPVM::MIME::Base64 Base64 encode/decode metacpan
SPVM::Math Mathmatical functions metacpan
SPVM::ObjectList Continuous dynamic object array metacpan
SPVM::Point a example class for easy description metacpan
SPVM::Regex Regular expression metacpan
SPVM::Regex::Pattern Regular expression pattern metacpan
SPVM::Regex::Replacer a callback type for the regex replacement metacpan
SPVM::Short Short object metacpan
SPVM::ShortList Continuous dynamic short array metacpan
SPVM::Sort Sort functions metacpan
SPVM::StringBuffer String buffer metacpan
SPVM::StringList Continuous dynamic string array metacpan
SPVM::Stringer a callback type for stringification metacpan
SPVM::Time Time manipulation metacpan
SPVM::Time::Info Time information metacpan
SPVM::Unicode Unicode utilities. metacpan
SPVM::Unistd Unix standard library metacpan
SPVM::Util Variouse utilities metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan