DDG 1010
Kwalitee Issues
- has_meta_yml
Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- has_changelog
Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.
- use_strict
Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.
Error: DDG::App::Attribution, DDG::Meta::CountryCodes
- meta_yml_declares_perl_version
If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: DDG::App::Attribution, DDG::Meta::CountryCodes, DDG::Meta::Data
- meta_yml_has_provides
Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
DDG | DuckDuckGo Search Engines Open Source Parts | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::App::Attribution | Application class for reading the attributions of a package | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block | Block to bundle plugins with triggers | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block::Any | EXPERIMENTAL | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block::Blockable | Role for plugins that can go into a block | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block::Blockable::Any | Role for something blockable that has no triggers | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block::Blockable::Triggers | A package which reflects the triggers of a blockable plugin. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block::Regexp | Block implementation to handle regexp based plugins | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Block::Words | Block implementation to handle words based plugins | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Fathead | Fathead package for easy keywords | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Goodie | Goodie package for easy keywords | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::HasAttribution | Role for a plugin that is able to give attribution informations | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::HasShareDir | Role for a plugin that has a share directory | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::IsControllable | Role for data managed inside the DuckDuckGo infrastructure | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::IsFathead | Role for Fathead | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::IsGoodie | Role for Goodies | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::IsLongtail | Role for Longtail | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::IsSpice | Role for Spice | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Language | A language, can be empty [TODO] | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Location | A location, can be empty (given by Geo::IP::Record) | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Longtail | Longtail package for easy keywords | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta | Main meta layer implementation factory... dark side of the moon... | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::AnyBlock | Implement L<DDG::Block::Blockable::Any> to the plugin | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::Block | Inject keywords to make a L<DDG::Block::Blockable> plugin | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::CountryCodes | Master list of country renames and aliases for all IAs | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::Data | Metadata functions for instant answers | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::Fathead | Functions for generating a L<DDG::ZeroClickInfo::Fathead> factory | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::Helper | Helper functions for easy access to important functions | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::Information | DDG plugin meta information storage | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::RequestHandler | Functions for a request handler | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::ShareDir | Installing functions for easy access to the module sharedir | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::ZeroClickInfo | Functions for generating a L<DDG::ZeroClickInfo> factory | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Meta::ZeroClickInfoSpice | Functions for generating a L<DDG::ZeroClickInfo::Spice> factory | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Region | A region, can be empty [TODO] | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Request | A request to DuckDuckGo itself, so the query itself and parameter around the query defining him | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Rewrite | A (mostly spice related) Rewrite definition in our system | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Spice | Spice package for easy keywords | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test | TODO | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Block | Adds a function to easily test L<DDG::Block>. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Fathead | Adds keywords to easily test Fathead plugins. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Goodie | Adds keywords to easily test Goodie plugins. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Language | Gives functions for getting test L<DDG::Language> objects. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Location | Gives functions for getting test L<DDG::Location> objects. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Longtail | Adds keywords to easily test Longtail plugins. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::Test::Spice | Adds keywords to easily test Spice plugins. | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::ZeroClickInfo | DuckDuckGo server side used ZeroClickInfo result class | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::ZeroClickInfo::Fathead | DuckDuckGo server side used ZeroClickInfo Fathead result class | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::ZeroClickInfo::Spice | DuckDuckGo server side used ZeroClickInfo Spice result class | 1010 | metacpan |
DDG::ZeroClickInfo::Spice::Data | Data that gets delivered additional to the spice call into the Javascript of the HTML | 1010 | metacpan |