Yancy 1.077
Kwalitee Issues
This is not the latest release. The following issues may have already been fixed in the newer releases.
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- Mojo::File
- no_pod_errors
Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.
Error: Yancy-1.077/lib/Yancy/Backend/MojoDB.pm -- Around line 328: =over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number' Around line 334: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Yancy-1.077/lib/Yancy/Backend.pm -- Around line 760: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Yancy-1.077/lib/Yancy/Guides.pod -- Around line 31: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- test_prereq_matches_use
List all modules used in the test suite in META.yml test_requires
- Mojo::File
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Mojolicious::Plugin::Yancy | Embed a simple admin CMS into your Mojolicious application | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy | The Best Web Framework Deserves the Best CMS | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend | Interface to a database | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::Dbic | A backend for DBIx::Class schemas | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::MojoDB | Abstract base class for drivers based on Mojo DB drivers | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::Mysql | A backend for MySQL using Mojo::mysql | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::Pg | A backend for Postgres using Mojo::Pg | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::Role::DBI | Role for backends that use DBI | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::Role::Sync | A role to give a synchronous backend useful Promises methods | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Backend::Sqlite | A backend for SQLite using Mojo::SQLite | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Command::backend | Commands for working with Yancy backends | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Command::backend::copy | Copy data between backends | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Controller::Yancy | Basic controller for displaying content | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Controller::Yancy::API | (DEPRECATED) An OpenAPI REST controller for the Yancy editor | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Controller::Yancy::MultiTenant | A controller to show a user only their content | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::I18N | Internationalization (i18n) for Yancy | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::I18N::en | English lexicon for Yancy strings | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Model | Model layer for Yancy apps | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Model::Item | Interface to a single item | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Model::Schema | Interface to a single schema | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth | Add one or more authentication plugins to your site | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Basic | (DEPRECATED) A simple auth module for a site | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Github | Authenticate using Github's OAuth2 provider | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth::OAuth2 | Authenticate using an OAuth2 provider | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Password | A simple password-based auth | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Role::RequireUser | Add authorization based on user attributes | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Token | A simple token-based auth | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Editor | Yancy content editor, admin, and management application | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::File | Manage file uploads, attachments, and other assets | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Form | Generate form HTML using various UI libraries | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Form::Bootstrap4 | Generate forms using Bootstrap 4 | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Plugin::Roles | Role-based access controls (RBAC) | 1.077 | metacpan |
Yancy::Util | Utilities for Yancy | 1.077 | metacpan |