Text-Textile-Plaintext 0.100 Deleted
Kwalitee Issues
- no_files_to_be_skipped
Fix MANIFEST.SKIP or use an authoring tool which respects MANIFEST.SKIP. Note that each entry in MANIFEST.SKIP is a regular expression. You may need to add appropriate meta characters not to ignore necessary stuff.
- valid_signature
Sign the dist as the last step before creating the archive. Take care not to modify/regenerate dist meta files or the manifest.
Error: Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer. gpg: Signature made Tue 18 Aug 2009 02:22:35 AM JST gpg: using DSA key DC2A77DE38E9F355 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key ==> BAD/TAMPERED signature detected! <==
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: App::Textile2x, Text::Textile::Plaintext, Text::Textile::PostScript, Text::Textile::RTF
- has_separate_license_file
This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
App::Textile2x | Application-wrapper class for converting Textile mark-up | 0.100 | metacpan |
Text::Textile::Plaintext | Convert Textile mark-up to plain text | 0.100 | metacpan |
Text::Textile::PostScript | Generate PostScript output from Textile mark-up | 0.100 | metacpan |
Text::Textile::RTF | Generate RTF output from Textile mark-up | 0.100 | metacpan |