Kwalitee Issues


Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Change the permissions of Build.PL/Makefile.PL to not-executable.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Move your *.pm files in a directory named 'lib'. The directory structure should look like 'lib/Your/' for a module named 'Your::Module'. If you need to provide additional files, e.g. for testing, that should not be considered for Kwalitee, then you should look at the 'provides' map in META.yml to limit the files scanned; or use the 'no_index' map to exclude parts of the distribution.

Error: xs/Adjuster.xs, xs/AlignGroup.xs, xs/AnsiWidget.xs, xs/AssociationFunctor.xs, xs/AssociationType.xs, xs/BarGroup.xs, xs/Box.xs, xs/Browser.xs, xs/Browser/Mark.xs, xs/Button.xs, xs/CheckButton.xs, xs/Choice.xs, xs/Clock.xs, xs/ClockOutput.xs, xs/Color.xs, xs/ColorChooser.xs, xs/ComboBox.xs, xs/Cursor.xs, xs/CycleButton.xs, xs/Dial.xs, xs/Divider.xs, xs/EngravedLabel.xs, xs/FileBrowser.xs, xs/FileIcon.xs, xs/FileInput.xs, xs/FillDial.xs, xs/FillSlider.xs, xs/Flags.xs, xs/FlatBox.xs, xs/FloatInput.xs, xs/Font.xs, xs/FrameBox.xs, xs/GL.xs, xs/GlWindow.xs, xs/Group.xs, xs/HelpDialog.xs, xs/HelpView.xs, xs/HighlightBox.xs, xs/HighlightButton.xs, xs/Image.xs, xs/Input.xs, xs/InputBrowser.xs, xs/IntInput.xs, xs/InvisibleBox.xs, xs/Item.xs, xs/ItemGroup.xs, xs/LabelType.xs, xs/layout.xs, xs/LightButton.xs, xs/LineDial.xs, xs/Menu.xs, xs/MenuBar.xs, xs/MenuSection.xs, xs/MenuWindow.xs, xs/Monitor.xs, xs/MultiBrowser.xs, xs/MultiImage.xs, xs/MultiLineInput.xs, xs/MultiLineOutput.xs, xs/NamedStyle.xs, xs/NumericInput.xs, xs/Output.xs, xs/PackedGroup.xs, xs/PixelType.xs, xs/Plugin.xs, xs/PopupMenu.xs, xs/Preferences.xs, xs/ProgressBar.xs, xs/RadioButton.xs, xs/RadioItem.xs, xs/RadioLightButton.xs, xs/Rectangle.xs, xs/RepeatButton.xs, xs/ReturnButton.xs, xs/ScrollGroup.xs, xs/Scrollbar.xs, xs/SecretInput.xs, xs/ShapedWindow.xs, xs/Slider.xs, xs/Style.xs, xs/Symbol.xs, xs/TabGroup.xs, xs/TextBuffer.xs, xs/TextDisplay.xs, xs/TextDisplay/StyleTableEntry.xs, xs/TextSelection.xs, xs/Valuator.xs, xs/ValueInput.xs, xs/ValueOutput.xs, xs/Version.xs, xs/Widget.xs, xs/Window.xs, xs/ask.xs, xs/ccCellBox.xs, xs/ccHueBox.xs, xs/ccValueBox.xs, xs/damage.xs, xs/draw.xs, xs/events.xs, xs/file_chooser.xs, xs/pnmImage.xs, xs/run.xs, xs/Theme.xs, xs/xpmImage.xs


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.530,0.531,0.532,0.532005_006,0.533


Name Abstract Version View
FLTK 0.532005_006 metacpan
FLTK::Adjuster FLTK::Valuator subclass 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::AlignGroup Align layout manager 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::AnsiWidget Displays ANSI escape codes 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::AssociationFunctor 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::AssociationType Base class for the association type 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::BarGroup A closable strip typically used as a container for toolbars 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Box Define your own values for L<C<box()>|FLTK::Widget/"box"> on a widget by making one of these 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Browser Subclass of FLTK::Menu 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Browser::Mark Subclass of FLTK::Menu 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Button Push button widget 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::CheckButton Push button widget 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Choice Popup list of items that the user can choose one of 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Clock Clock widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ClockOutput Base class of FLTK::Clock 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Color A color value (Wow, yeah, I know...) 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ColorChooser Color chooser for the Fast Light Tool Kit 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ComboBox Single line input field with predefined choices via popup menu 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Cursor Mouse cursor support for the Fast Light Tool Kit 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::CycleButton Popup list of items that the user can choose one of 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Dial Rotating value control 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Divider Widget to draw a divider line in a menu 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::EngravedLabel Determines how to draw a label's text with an engraved look 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FileBrowser Subclass of FLTK::Browser 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FileIcon Subclass of FLTK::Image used to represent a single file type 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FileInput Subclass of FLTK::Browser 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FillDial Subclass of FLTK::Dial which draws a pie slice 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FillSlider Subclass of FLTK::Slider 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Flags Unified flags set for FLTK 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FlatBox Box drawing code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK) 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FloatInput Subclass of FLTK::NumericInput 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Font Font selection code for the Fast Light Tool Kit 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::FrameBox Box drawing code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK) 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::GL Portable OpenGL 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::GlWindow ...exactly what you think it is 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Group Base class for all container widgets 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::HelpDialog Help dialog with basic HTML viewing capabilities 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::HelpView Basic HTML viewer 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::HighlightBox 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::HighlightButton This button highlights even if the default style does not do so 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Image Basic image handling 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Input One-line text input field 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::InputBrowser Input Browser (Combo Box) widget 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::IntInput Input box which accepts only numeric input 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::InvisibleBox Standard mime trap 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Item Widget designed to be a menu or browser item 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ItemGroup Widget designed to be a nested list in a menu or browser 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::LabelType Determines how to draw a label's text 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Layout Values of the bits stored in C<FLTK::Widget::layout_damage( )> 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::LightButton Forms/XForms/Flame style button with indicator light on left 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::LineDial Dial subclass 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Menu Utility functions for Menu type widgets 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MenuBar Typical Window Menu 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MenuSection Makes dynamic (& hand-made) menu code less painful 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MenuWindow Temporary, unmovable popup window 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Monitor Represents the entire viewing area 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MultiBrowser Browser that lets the user select more than one item at a time 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MultiImage Image type that draws a different image depending on the flags 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MultiLineInput Editor for small number of lines of text 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::MultiLineOutput Small text display without scrollbars 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::NamedStyle Simulate themes (by name) for the Fast Light Toolkit 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::NumericInput One-line text input field for basic math and numeric expressions 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Output One-line text output 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::PackedGroup Group that packs all it's child widgets against the edges 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::PixelType Describes how colors are stored in a pixel 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Plugin Portable loading of plugins 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::PopupMenu Group that packs all it's child widgets against the edges 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Preferences Application preferences 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ProgressBar Widget meant to display progress of some operation 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::RadioButton Button with a circle indicator to it's left, turning it on turns off all other radio buttons in the same Group 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::RadioItem This widget makes a radio item in a popup or pulldown Menu 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::RadioLightButton LightButton that toggles off all others in the group when turned on 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Rectangle Base class for Widgets, Windows, Monitors, and just about everything else you can see 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::RepeatButton This button does it's callback repeatedly while the user holds the button down. 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::ReturnButton 12:50, press Return 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::ScrollGroup Group that adds scrollbars so you can scroll around the area 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::Scrollbar Controls an integer position of a window of a given size inside a data set of a given total size 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::SecretInput Password field 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::ShapedWindow Custom shaped window 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::Slider Slider value control 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::Style Simulate themes for the Fast Light Toolkit 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::Symbol Base class for all small, reusable graphics 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::TabGroup For Making a 'Tabbed' Dialog Boxes 0.533 metacpan
FLTK::TextBuffer 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::TextDisplay 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::TextDisplay::StyleTableEntry 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::TextSelection 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::Valuator Base class for sliders and all other one-value "knobs" 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::ValueInput Text field for inputing a floating-point number 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::ValueOutput Valuator that displays the number like a text box 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::Version Version info for FLTK 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::Widget Base class for all widgets in the Fast Light Toolkit 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::Window Where you put stuff 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ask Implementation of message, ask, choice, and input functions 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::ccCellBox Part of the FLTK::ColorChooser megawidget 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ccHueBox Part of the FLTK::ColorChooser megawidget 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::ccValueBox Part of the FLTK::ColorChooser megawidget 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::damage Values of the bits stored in C<FLTK::Widget::damage( )> 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::draw The FLTK drawing library, used by all widgets to draw themselves 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::events Event types and data 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::file_chooser File chooser widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::pnmImage PNM image support for the Fast Light Tool Kit 0.530 metacpan
FLTK::run Basic activity functions for the Fast Light Toolkit 0.531 metacpan
FLTK::theme 0.532 metacpan
FLTK::xpmImage Image subclass that draws the data from an xpm format file 0.531 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
README metacpan