DBO 0.17 Deleted
Kwalitee Issues
- has_meta_yml
Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- has_human_readable_license
Add a section called "LICENSE" to the documentation, or add a file named LICENSE to the distribution.
- has_license_in_source_file
Add =head1 LICENSE and the text of the license to the main module in your code.
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- Carp::Assert
- Class::Data::Inheritable
- Class::MethodMaker
- Tie::IxHash
- Tie::StdArray
- main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- meta_yml_has_license
Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.
- has_known_license_in_source_file
Add =head1 LICENSE and/or the proper text of the well-known license to the main module in your code.
- no_unauthorized_packages
Ask the owner of the distribution (the one who released it first, or the one who is designated in x_authority) to give you a (co-)maintainer's permission.
- no_invalid_versions
Fix the version numbers so that version::is_lax($version) returns true.
- DBO.pm: HASH(0x55a4413797e8)
- DBO/Base.pm: HASH(0x55a44134c5c8)
- DBO/Base/Defs.pm: HASH(0x55a441346788)
- DBO/Base/Private.pm: HASH(0x55a43fc8d998)
- DBO/DBH/Owner.pm: HASH(0x55a4414149e0)
- DBO/Generator.pm: HASH(0x55a44134ccd0)
- DBO/GluedQuery.pm: HASH(0x55a440c853c0)
- DBO/GluedUpdate.pm: HASH(0x55a43e4da5d8)
- DBO/Meta/ColumnInfo.pm: HASH(0x55a441414c80)
- DBO/Meta/HasA.pm: HASH(0x55a441358440)
- DBO/Meta/HasMany.pm: HASH(0x55a440b4f528)
- DBO/Meta/HasQuery.pm: HASH(0x55a44136cd60)
- DBO/Meta/Key.pm: HASH(0x55a43e5d7850)
- DBO/Meta/OneToMany.pm: HASH(0x55a4413582a8)
- DBO/Meta/TableInfo.pm: HASH(0x55a43fcbf730)
- DBO/Query.pm: HASH(0x55a441354828)
- DBO/Query/Delete.pm: HASH(0x55a440d39320)
- DBO/Query/Expr.pm: HASH(0x55a44135daf8)
- DBO/Query/GroupBy.pm: HASH(0x55a440e5b200)
- DBO/Query/Insert.pm: HASH(0x55a4408b6968)
- DBO/Query/Join.pm: HASH(0x55a44134c9b8)
- DBO/Query/LeftJoin.pm: HASH(0x55a440c857c8)
- DBO/Query/Limit.pm: HASH(0x55a441362290)
- DBO/Query/OrderBy.pm: HASH(0x55a44120e530)
- DBO/Query/RightJoin.pm: HASH(0x55a441358218)
- DBO/Query/Text.pm: HASH(0x55a440b3acf0)
- DBO/Query/Update.pm: HASH(0x55a441370218)
- DBO/Test/Objects.pm: HASH(0x55a44136f738)
- DBO/Test/Util.pm: HASH(0x55a43ed33140)
- DBO/Tie/PrimaryKeyList.pm: HASH(0x55a44133aa30)
- DBO/Util.pm: HASH(0x55a4413543f0)
- DBO/Value.pm: HASH(0x55a44134cc88)
- DBO/Value/Column.pm: HASH(0x55a44135f678)
- DBO/Value/Key.pm: HASH(0x55a440c7e5d8)
- has_separate_license_file
This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
DBO | Database Object Mapping | metacpan | |
DBO::Base | Provides inheritable methods mapped to database operations. | metacpan | |
DBO::Base::Defs | Table definition routines. | metacpan | |
DBO::Base::Private | The private API for DBO::Base | metacpan | |
DBO::Conf | metacpan | ||
DBO::DBH::Owner | A class that has $dbh data. | metacpan | |
DBO::Generator | Provides routines any generator might need. | metacpan | |
DBO::GluedQuery | A query that is glued to a DBO meta object by primary key. | metacpan | |
DBO::GluedUpdate | An update glued to a DBO::Base object. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::ColumnInfo | Meta data about a column. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::HasA | One side of a one-to-many relationship. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::HasMany | One side of a one-to-many relationship. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::HasQuery | A column based on a Query object. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::Key | An vector of columns. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::OneToMany | A One to N relationship. | metacpan | |
DBO::Meta::TableInfo | metacpan | ||
DBO::Query | A query abstraction. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Delete | An SQL DELETE wrapper | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Expr | Abstraction of a WHERE or ON clause. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::GroupBy | An ORDER BY clause. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Insert | An SQL INSERT wrapper. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Join | Abstract a join between two DBO sources. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::LeftJoin | Abstracts a LEFT OUTER JOIN | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Limit | A LIMIT clause. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::OrderBy | An ORDER BY clause. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::RightJoin | Abstracts a RIGHT OUTER JOIN | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Text | Just a wrapper around plain sql. | metacpan | |
DBO::Query::Update | An SQL UPDATE wrapper | metacpan | |
DBO::Test::Objects | This is an umbrella package for all the DBO::Test objects. | metacpan | |
DBO::Tie::PrimaryKeyList | A list of primary keys that auto creates objects when fetched. | metacpan | |
DBO::Util | Miscellany with no place else to go. | metacpan | |
DBO::Value | Abstract class for column and key values. | metacpan | |
DBO::Value::Column | The value in a single colummn. | metacpan | |
DBO::Value::Key | The values for a DBO::Meta::Key. | metacpan | |
DBO::Version | The DBO Release Version | 0.17 | metacpan |