Quizzer 0.08 Latest
Kwalitee Issues
- has_manifest
Add a MANIFEST to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it (eg "make manifest" or "./Build manifest")
- has_meta_yml
Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- has_buildtool
Add a Makefile.PL (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Module::Install) or a Build.PL (for Module::Build and its friends), or use a distribution builder such as Dist::Zilla, Dist::Milla, Minilla.
- has_tests
Add tests!
- no_generated_files
Remove the offending files/directories!
Error: Makefile
- has_license_in_source_file
Add =head1 LICENSE and the text of the license to the main module in your code.
- manifest_matches_dist
Run a proper command ("make manifest" or "./Build manifest", maybe with a force option), or use a distribution builder to generate the MANIFEST. Or update MANIFEST manually.
Error: Cannot find MANIFEST in dist.
- prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires
- Gtk
- Gtk::Atoms
- main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.
- has_meta_json
Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.
- has_tests_in_t_dir
Add tests or move tests.pl to the t/ directory!
- proper_libs
Move your *.pm files in a directory named 'lib'. The directory structure should look like 'lib/Your/Module.pm' for a module named 'Your::Module'. If you need to provide additional files, e.g. for testing, that should not be considered for Kwalitee, then you should look at the 'provides' map in META.yml to limit the files scanned; or use the 'no_index' map to exclude parts of the distribution.
Error: AutoSelect.pm, Base.pm, Config.pm, Element.pm, Element/Container.pm, Element/Dialog/Boolean.pm, Element/Dialog/Multiselect.pm, Element/Dialog/Note.pm, Element/Dialog/Password.pm, Element/Dialog/Select.pm, Element/Dialog/String.pm, Element/Dialog/Text.pm, Element/Gtk/Boolean.pm, Element/Gtk/Multiselect.pm, Element/Gtk/Note.pm, Element/Gtk/Password.pm, Element/Gtk/Select.pm, Element/Gtk/String.pm, Element/Gtk/Text.pm, Element/Noninteractive.pm, Element/Noninteractive/Note.pm, Element/Noninteractive/Select.pm, Element/Select.pm, Element/Text/Boolean.pm, Element/Text/Multiselect.pm, Element/Text/Note.pm, Element/Text/Password.pm, Element/Text/Select.pm, Element/Text/String.pm, Element/Text/Text.pm, Element/Web/Boolean.pm, Element/Web/Container.pm, Element/Web/Multiselect.pm, Element/Web/Note.pm, Element/Web/Password.pm, Element/Web/Select.pm, Element/Web/String.pm, Element/Web/Text.pm, FrontEnd.pm, FrontEnd/Dialog.pm, FrontEnd/Gtk.pm, FrontEnd/Noninteractive.pm, FrontEnd/Text.pm, FrontEnd/Tty.pm, FrontEnd/Web.pm, Level.pm, Loader.pm, Log.pm, Question.pm, Template.pm
- meta_yml_has_license
Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.
- has_known_license_in_source_file
Add =head1 LICENSE and/or the proper text of the well-known license to the main module in your code.
- use_warnings
Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.
Error: Quizzer::AutoSelect, Quizzer::Base, Quizzer::Config, Quizzer::Element, Quizzer::Element::Container, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Boolean, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Multiselect, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Note, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Password, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Select, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::String, Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Text, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Boolean, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Multiselect, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Note, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Password, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Select, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::String, Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Text, Quizzer::Element::Noninteractive, Quizzer::Element::Noninteractive::Note, Quizzer::Element::Noninteractive::Select, Quizzer::Element::Select, Quizzer::Element::Text::Boolean, Quizzer::Element::Text::Multiselect, Quizzer::Element::Text::Note, Quizzer::Element::Text::Password, Quizzer::Element::Text::Select, Quizzer::Element::Text::String, Quizzer::Element::Text::Text, Quizzer::Element::Web::Boolean, Quizzer::Element::Web::Container, Quizzer::Element::Web::Multiselect, Quizzer::Element::Web::Note, Quizzer::Element::Web::Password, Quizzer::Element::Web::Select, Quizzer::Element::Web::String, Quizzer::Element::Web::Text, Quizzer::FrontEnd, Quizzer::FrontEnd::Dialog, Quizzer::FrontEnd::Gtk, Quizzer::FrontEnd::Noninteractive, Quizzer::FrontEnd::Text, Quizzer::FrontEnd::Tty, Quizzer::FrontEnd::Web, Quizzer::Level, Quizzer::Loader, Quizzer::Log, Quizzer::Question, Quizzer::Template
Name | Abstract | Version | View |
Quizzer::AutoSelect | automatic FrontEnd selection library. | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Base | Quizzer Base Class | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Config | Quizzer meta-configuration module | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element | Base input element | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Container | Container input element | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Boolean | Yes/No dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Multiselect | a check list in a dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Note | A note in a dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Password | A password input field in a dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Select | A list of choices in a dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::String | A text input field in a dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Dialog::Text | A message in a dialog box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Boolean | Gtk check box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Multiselect | Gtk select box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Note | Gtk text field | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Password | Gtk password input field | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Select | Gtk select box | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::String | Gtk text input field | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Gtk::Text | 0.01 | metacpan | |
Quizzer::Element::Noninteractive | Dummy Element | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Noninteractive::Note | noninteractive note Element | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Noninteractive::Select | dummy select Element | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Select | Base select input element | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::Boolean | Yes/No question | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::Multiselect | select multiple items | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::Note | A note to the user | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::Password | password input field | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::Select | select from a list of values | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::String | password input field | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Text::Text | show text to the user | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Boolean | A check box on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Container | A group of releated questions | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Multiselect | A multi select box on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Note | A paragraph on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Password | A password input field on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Select | A select box on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::String | A text input field on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Element::Web::Text | A paragraph on a form | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd | base FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd::Dialog | dialog FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd::Gtk | gtk FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd::Noninteractive | non-interactive FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd::Text | Text FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd::Tty | Tty FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::FrontEnd::Web | web FrontEnd | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Level | level module | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Loader | Quizzer Loader | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Log | debconf log module | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Question | Question object | 0.01 | metacpan |
Quizzer::Template | Template object | 0.01 | metacpan |
Other Files
README | metacpan |